
Jan 3, 2016

New Year, New Goals!

Now that it is 2016, and I have already taken a look back at how fantastic 2015 was, you can read all about that here, I am ready to look to what lies ahead. I am linking up a bit late with my girls Diana at My Day in K, and Jayme at Teach, Talk, Inspire for their fun Resolutions linky. Better late than never right?

I know so many people make resolutions in the New Year, only to forget about them a week or two later. I am determined to not let that happen to me. I like to think of them as goals. I know that is really the same thing, but if I tell myself it's a goal, I am somewhat more likely to stick to it, go figure! Here are my goals for the coming year!

1. My first goal is to exercise at least 4 days a week. I used to be at the gym 5-6 days a week and actually had more energy than I do know. So, I literally dusted off the treadmill and am ready to jump back in. Often it is so much more than just exercise, it is a time for me to destress after the school day. I also broke out my endless collection of exercise DVD's. I feel so out of shape at this point that I am going to need several weeks of work at home, before I can feel comfortable going back to the gym. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is my reality.

2. My second goal is to stick to my 80/20 food rule. That is to make healthy food choices 80% of the time and 20% of the time it is ok to make a not so smart food choice. I figure I have to still enjoy get togethers and parties with friends. Afterall, I need to enjoy life while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This past year I have gotten off track, and the scale is showing it. I am not happy with where I am so it is time to get back on track! If I am not taking good care of myself, I can't give my best to others.

3. A weekly date night with the hubby is next on the list. We often get so caught up with the kids, racing, school, work, etc. that we forget to put aside time to just unwind and enjoy spending time together. So we are going to schedule it on the calendar and make time for just us.

4. The time with my boys is just flying by. My oldest is in college, my middle one will go to college in the fall and the baby is a sophomore in high school. There isn't much time I will still have them at home, so we are going to schedule a fun outing each month that we can all do together. It is so important to make the most of the time that we still do have.

5. This year my blogging has really fallen off. I have had a difficult time finding the time to sit down and write. What I have found is, that I really miss it. I am going to schedule a specific time to blog each week and I think that will really help me stay on track. Even if it is just linking up with Doodle Bugs 5 For Friday and Farley's Currently it will be a start. I really enjoy sharing my ideas and connecting with other like minded teachers.

6. I also want to add 25 new products to my store this year. I enjoy creating, it is like a hobby and creative outlet for me, but once again I haven't been making the time to do this a priority. Like my blogging, I am going to schedule a specific time each week to work on my products. So you should be seeing posts about new products very soon!

7. My last, but maybe most important goal for this year, is to cherish the little things. That Friday night game night and pizza with the boys. A lunch date with a few of my oldest girlfriends. Cuddling on the couch while watching a movie with the hubby. These may seem in significant at the time, but these are just as important as the big moments in life. Those are the everyday things that keep us going.

Lastly my motto for this year is... Focus on what is most important.

What are your resolutions for this year? What ever they are may you enjoy this year to the fullest! Be sure to check out the linky to read everyone else's resolutions!

1 comment:

  1. Love your resolutions, Laura!! The weekly date night is our favorite! We both just welcomed little girls into our families this year, and are starting to see the need for a set time alone! :)
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Happy New Year!
    Ashley and Brooklynn
