
Dec 30, 2015

Reflections of 2015

How can it be the end of 2015 already. Time just seems to fly by faster and faster each year. What better way to ring in the new year than by taking a look back at this year and all the fun times we had. To do that I am joining Miss Kindergarten, A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Dragonflies in First for their fun linky.

I must warn you upfront this is going to be a bit of a picture overload. I have said before I am a recovering "scrapaholic" and so this is my way of scrapbooking my way through 2015. I decided to pick 1 or 2 ... or 4 or 6 ... of my favs from each month of the year. So you have been warned! Here we go!

Each year we go to Pismo Beach to spend New Year's playing in the sand. It is always a great time with family and friends and the boys always have a blast. Of course 2015 did not disappoint and I can't wait to head out in the morning for our little get a way this year! 

February was very memorable. I was named Teacher of the Year for our school district. I was so honored and excited to have received this award. Of course they gave me this framed piece of art work from our county with my name, school, etc, but it is hanging on the wall at school, and since I am on vacation I was not driving out to take a picture so this will have to do for now.

Every year in March we take our younger 2 boys to the NASCAR race in Las Vegas. Our oldest son isn't into racing, and he was away attending UC Irvine, so it was just the 4 of us. It was a jam packed 5 days at the track and tons of walking, but always unforgettable.

In April, my middle son attended the Jr. Prom. He just looked so handsome all dressed up. My favorite pic was actually the one of he and all his buddies. They got a limo so they could all go together with their dates and they had a blast.

My favorite pic from May was this one on Mother's Day. We haven't had a nice family pic in 3 years and the boys have all grown so much. So, my MIL took this one out in my mom's backyard for me, I love it! We had a great brunch and hung out, and the boys swam, with my Mom, MIL and grandma Sweetie. It was a perfect day.

Each summer we spend at least one day with the family at the water park. The boys took some friends and cousins along and had a blast playing in the water and on the slides.

My little niece had the cutest little bathing suit! Wish I looked that good in mine, lol!

In July I was fortunate enough to attend the I Teach K and TpT conference in Las Vegas. I had a fantastic time learning from some super teachers and meeting so many of my blogging and IG friends IRL. It was unforgettable!

The Venetian resort was beautiful. Here I am with some of my Primary Punchbowl Girls, Sara @mrsbfirsgrade and Chris @thescoopinsecondgrade.

These are just a few of the MANY pics I took with all the amazing teachers there, Kim Adsit @kindergals, Erica @missveeskinderkraziness, Cristy @kindergartensquared, Chris @famousinfirst, Greg @kindergartensmorgasboard, Chad @malekindergartenteacher, Kimberly @livelaughlovekindergarten, and Greta @learningwithmrsleeby.

Deanna @mrsjumpsclass, Deedee @deedeewills, Mary @sharingkndergarten, Suzanne @kindergarten_planet, Becky @theclasscouple and Alex @thekindergartenconnection,

In August, I helped organize a fun Central California Teacher/Blogger Meet-up. It was fun getting to chat with like minded women who "get it", and don't think you're crazy for owning ALL of Creative Clips Clipart, lol.

These were just a few of the pics. Carol @thesupersparklyteacher and I having fun with the photo booth props and Erin @veryperryclassroom another one of my Primary Punchbowl girls. I met so many wonderful teachers and I can't wait to do it again.

We are a race family and spend 2-3 weekends a month at the track. This year the boys moved up to a new series and had been doing fantastic with many top 5 finishes, but in September our youngest won  his first race in the 600 Micro Sprint and made it to Victory Lane. We were all super excited and proud of him!

Here he is being interviewed after the race in Victory Lane!

In October, the hubby surprised me with a quick day trip to the beach to celebrate our 23rd anniversary. Besides the race track, my favorite place is the beach! It was relaxing and a great day with just the two of us.

Thanksgiving was a great time spent with family and TOO MUCH FOOD. We played a fun new game, Pie Face. It was hilarious. Everyone was such a good sport, even Grandma Sweetie, considering she got the pie in the face twice! If you have little ones they will love seeing the adults get the pie.

December is one of my favorite months of the year! I love all the traditions, and food, and baking and time with family. One tradition our school has is that Santa visits on our last day and brings each child a toy and takes a picture with them. For many of them this may be the only present they receive and it is magical and wonderful to see the joy on their faces. Here I am with my class and Santa. (sadly, we had a few kiddos out sick who missed it, but we saved their gift for them)

Once school is out, it is a mad rush to get ready for Christmas, with lots of baking and shopping and wrapping of gifts. But I finished it all in time and we had a very blessed Christmas.

My 2015 was a great one and I know that 2016 will be even better! Have a great New Year's Eve and see you in 2016!


  1. Congrats on being named Teacher of the Year! I love all the pictures from your year - it looks like you had a lot of fun times!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  2. Congrats on being named Teacher of the Year! I love all the pictures from your year - it looks like you had a lot of fun times!

    Teaching Voracious Learners

  3. Hi Laura, WOW, you had a busy year full of lots of fun. It is amazing to see how people fit it all in- TPT store, blogging, racing boys, travel, baking and family times. Congrats. May 2016 hold lots of new adventures. Kathleen

  4. What a wonderful year, Laura! Congratulations on Teacher of the Year! And I wish I had gotten to see you in Las Vegas!!!

    1. Thanks so much! I too wish we had gotten to meet in Vegas. One of these days we will get to meet up IRL. Hope you have a fantastic 2016! Hugs to you!

