
Nov 2, 2014

November Currently

I am linking up today with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for November's Currently.

Listening~ What can I say I am a sucker for sappy movies.  With a house full of boys there is usually some sort of sporting event on the tube...but every once in a while I get to just relax and watch a movie, as I surf the net for more ideas. I am a serious multi-tasker,  I have a hard time just sitting.  I will admit they are all still asleep this morning that

Loving~The cool fall weather.  In the morning and evenings at least.  It has finally cooled off a bit out here in Cali and I just love this kind of weather.  A sweatshirt in the morning and warm 78-80 in the afternoon.  Perfect!

Thinking~My To Do list is ever growing...who else is with me on this.  I have laundry, cleaning, lesson planning for our owl unit in 2 weeks, etc. I woke up early because my mind was just racing thinking about all the things I need to get done today. It just seems I can never get caught up. 

Wanting~Nothing really.  I mean $1,000,000 would be nice...but I am pretty sure that is out of the question.  All kidding aside I have a job I love, a loving family, great friends who could ask for anything more.

Needing~Well the bad thing about this nice fall weather is it makes we want to just snuggle on the couch with my laptop and my fur babies all day.  I need to get up and get my fanny moving on my To Do

Reading~I am always reading some kind of professional development book. Boring I know.  But I feel like we should always be trying to improve ourselves or our teaching. My current read is Literacy Workstations by Debbie Diller. I always think after this one I am going to read something just for fun...maybe one of these days.

So what are you up to...I would love to read your comments. Be sure to check out the linky and see what everyone else is "currently" doing. 

Make it a great week friends!



  1. I love that you are not 'wanting' anything (but the $1,000,000 certainly would be nice). We are also experiencing cooler fall weather - but I am in New York so that means 40s in the am 60s on my way home. I don't mind it though I love bulky sweaters and leggings and boots! I also have a huge to-do list - the first think on mine: make a to-do-list! I hope you get some of yours done!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your fall weather looks pretty different than our fall weather in Indiana! How are you liking the book? I'm needing to revamp some of my literacy stations, but I don't always have the patience for a professional development read. Are you enjoying it?

    1. Thanks for commenting. I am enjoying the book. It has some good practical ideas. I am only about half way through so far. Yes, I have seen some friends that already have snow...that is so not for me. I like to visit the snow and cold, but I couldn't live in that everyday. Have a great week.


  3. Hi Laura! It's nice to meet another blogger from California.I hope that you "fell back" and got an extra hour of rest. I have been nominated for a Liebster Award and now I'm sharing the love. Your blog is officially nominated! Here is the link with all the information you need.…/currently-and-liebster-award.html

  4. Hey Laura! You are up super early. Our surprise this morning was the end of Daylights Savings time and I feel like it is after lunch already, but it's not! I am using that extra hour trying to get my to-do list finished as well! Finish your movie and then get moving!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  5. I am glad that you are enjoying some time to yourself this morning. You deserve it! I hope it's a Hallmark Christmas movie that you are watching! :) I always watch TV while I work on my to-do list. Helps it go by quicker!

    Good luck with your list!

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

  6. Your weather does sound PERFECT! We are getting snow flurries here. :( I'm not ready for that. I love a Hallmark movie and a blanket on the couch. It doesn't get much better! AHHHH!

    1. I agree, no snow flurries for me. Way too cold. This nice weather will only last a few weeks then the fog and 30 degree lows will be here, but at least no snow=no


  7. I thought it was boring that I was reading stuff for school too. The life of a school teacher at the moment! That's wonderful that you don't want anything else in your life! I love that feeling when everything has come together and is working! Wonderful!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning
