
Nov 1, 2014

Five for Fraturday ~ Halloween and some Freebies!

Well this week has been all kinds of crazy...I am sure it has been for many of you. I was just too exhausted to post last night so I am linking up a little late with Kacey at Doodle Bugs for her Five for Friday Fraturday.

We have had a busy but super fun week.  This week we finished up our study of pumpkins, it was red ribbon week, we had our fall dinner and of course we celebrated Halloween.

This was our focus wall this week.  Yes there was no shape of the week.  With all of the craziness going on I decided to pass on adding a new shape this week. We rocked our circle maps once again.  They are really getting good at thinking of words that start with our focus letters.

Here are just a few of the great books that we read this week.

One of the ways we celebrate Red Ribbon week is by having a door decorating contest.  I usually try to tie it into a Halloween theme as well since they almost always fall on the same week.  I gave a sneak peek on Wednesday...drum roll please...

My kiddos did a fantastic job making their tear art mummies. 

I have to give a big shout out to my friends LuAnn and Amber from Kindergarten Rocks! for the idea and inspiration for this project. Be sure to check them out they have some great ideas.

We spent almost one whole day investigating pumpkins.  The kiddos were so excited to get started and had a great time!

Last week we made an anchor chart of the outside of the pumpkin. This week we made one to diagram the inside, before we started our investigations.  First we measured the height of our pumpkins using snap cubes.  Next we measured the circumference using a piece of string and a yard stick.

Then we predicted whether our pumpkins would sink or float and then discovered if we were right.  Next up was to weigh our pumpkins.  They were too small to register on the scale alone, so we weighed our selves with and without the pumpkin and then subtracted.  Each one, we had 4, weighed between 1.8 and 2.2 lbs.

We counted the ribs on our pumpkins to make a prediction of how many seeds we thought they would have. Then we cut our pumpkins open and dug out all our seeds.  It was a crack up to see some that dove right in and others that would barely touch them.  They were actually pretty quick getting them all cleaned out.

For only weighing about 2 lbs. our pumpkins had a LOT of seeds, as you can see from our numbers above. We put them into piles of ten and then counted by tens to find out how many were in each of our pumpkins.  (We had 4 groups and each counted 1 pumpkin) We used a terrific recording sheet to keep track of all of our data.  You can get it free here from Kristin Smith

My kiddos just love math centers.  I try to have hands on activities for them to practice skills that we have taught already.  One that is always popular is our bead counting center.  This helps build one to one correspondence as well as number sense.  You can also compare numbers/sets. There are many different ways to use this easy prep center.

I just printed my numbers on colored card stock.  Cut them out, hot glued them to pipe cleaners.  Put them in your bin with some pony beads and you are ready to go.  Easy peasy. Students choose a "stick" and put that number of beads on. If you like my numbers click here to get a copy for yourself for free.

Love these cute circle frames from my favorite graphic artist Krista Wallden aka Creative Clips.

Our Halloween celebration started off with the annual costume parade. 

The kiddos looked great!  I didn't do too bad either.  With my snow white costume I won best over all for the staff.

We had a great time at our Halloween party too.  We had 3 stations where the students could complete different fun activities.  Once everyone had finished all of the centers we gathered around our tables and enjoyed the rest of our goodies!  These cute activities were the great idea of my friend Kelly at Lattes and Lunchrooms. Our first center was making ghosts out of bananas.

They barley got them made and they gobbled them down. Yum Yum!

We also had a candy graphing center.  They each had a small bag of candies that they counted and then colored in their graph.  The best part...once the graph was done they could eat their candies.

Our final center was a Halloween writing activity.  They had to draw a picture of themselves in their costume and complete the sentence prompt.  Now I will admit I wasn't sure how this would go over...maybe they would think this was more like work than fun...but no, they had a great time drawing their pictures.  They did great sounding out their words as well.

These two little cuties got smart and found the name of their costumes in our writing center and copied them down.  It is great to see them using the resources in the room all on their own.

I had to include the picture of these little guys.  There are some little smarties in math and completed their candy graph very quickly.  We were not ready to rotate centers yet so they asked if they could go to the library and practice their sight words...really...I kid you not.  They were having a blast quizzing each other.  It just makes my heart happy to see them excited and having fun while learning.

So how crazy was your week?  I would love to hear all about it.  Leave me a comment, but be sure you are not a no-reply blogger I would love to be able to comment back via email. Now you can go check out the linky to see what everyone else was up to last week.



  1. LUV your post! THANKS for taking the time to post it! Your pony bead counting activity is on my list of things to do. BTW....just LOVE how your mummies turned out! YOU ROCK! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

  2. First, I have to compliment you on how awesome your photos are and how "pinnable" they are!! I need to learn from you on that one!!! They are amazing!
    Sounds like you had a fun week - we don't get to celebrate Halloween at school so I just live vicariously through other teacher bloggers and their festivities :) I love the ghost bananas!

    1. Thanks for your sweet comments. I use to really love scrapbooking, but haven't had much time to do so the last few years. Creating the picture collages for the blog gives me a mini


  3. Can I come be in your class? Ha-Ha It looks like you had a fun filled busy week! So glad your kiddos enjoyed the Halloween activities. Thanks for sharing :) And thank you again for the blogger tip - I think I've fixed it.
    Thanks again,

  4. I really enjoy your posts. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thanks for commenting, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one reading this 'lil 'ol

