ESGI is a total
After giving your assessment you can easily review your data. There are bar graphs showing how many students were correct/incorrect. Making it easy for you to plan your lessons. You can view these reports whole class, for individual students or by groups. After my initial testing I put my students into like ability groups in the program that way I know what to focus on when we meet for Guided Reading or RTI groups.
You can also look at an overview pie graph of all categories tested. This also can be viewed by whole class, individual students or groups.
In addition, they have a classroom management component that you can set up. I use it to track homework, forms turned in, book orders, etc. Plus you can print name cards, cubby labels, class lists, as well as many other items.

Honestly I could go on and on with how great this program is. If you want to read more about the specifics of how I use it in my room check out the post I did a few months back by clicking HERE.
However, if you are ready to give it a try ESGI is offering a very special deal for back to school that you don't want to miss! Here the the must have details:
1. New members can sign up for a FREE 60 DAY TRIAL by clicking on the button below or using my promo code B7284 during the special back to school window (August 1st-September 30th)
2. If you fall in love with ESGI, you can purchase a one year license using my promo code and save $40!
3. As a bonus, just for being a trial user you will be entered into a raffle to win one of ten $50 Amazon Gift Cards!
What have you got to loose! You get to try out a fantastic program, save $40 off if you decide to purchase the program and possibly win $50!
Be sure to share this exciting info with your teacher friends and teammates so they can get the great discount and chance to win too!
A huge shout out of THANKS to ESGI for being such a great supporter of teachers everywhere!
If you have any questions,be sure to leave them in the comments below, or send me an email and I would be happy to help!
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