
Jun 13, 2015

Five for Friday ~ Year End Wrap Up and Truth Revealed

So excited to be linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday Fraturday.  This is one of my favorite linkys and I have been missing out with the crazy, busy, end of the school year. 

This is really a recap of our last week of school activities and then I am going to reveal my 2 Truths and 1 Lie from my post earlier this week.

Each year we do an end of school countdown.  We start when we have 10 days left.  I put up a chain for us to rip off one each day as we count down.  On each chain link is a fun activity that we get to do that day. Sadly with all the craziness I did not get pictures of all of our activities, but I did manage to get a few.

I think their favorite activity was lunch with the teacher.  There was a bit of arguing over who got to sit next to me, but I assured them that I was “near” everyone and I would switch up my seat a few times during our lunch.  I had several of my old students who told me they wanted to be in Kindergarten for the day too!  I even had a 2nd grader say to me”You’re eating with the Kinders?”  My kiddos all said, “Yes, it is lunch with the teacher day”, to which he replied, “Lucky!” Just goes to show you, your students want to be with you as much, if not more, than those “treats” or “prizes” that you might give out.

Our last week is all half days. Plus you throw in assemblies, practice for graduation, fun activities, etc and the week really flies by.

So during the last week of school we spend all our time, reading our favorite books from the year and we complete this super cute memory book from Lyndsey at A Year of Many Firsts.

I was super excited this year because I found this old thermal binding machine in the dark, depths of the teacher supply room. In years past I just stapled the book together, but by the end of the week the staples were coming out and would need to be replaced. This thing worked like a dream. You just put your pages in the thermal sleeve, insert into the machine and press it closed until it beeps, turn it over, repeat and voilà, a beautifully bound memory book. 

They did such a fantastic job filling in the pages of their book.  Some of the answers were just so sweet. One of my favorite sections is the “my class” page. I didn’t happen to snap a pic in all the excitement, but they write each classmates name and draw a picture of them. They were just adorable. 

I think the kiddos favorite part was the autograph page. They had a blast going around the room and getting all of their friends to sign their book.

Then I filled in the letter from the teacher page. It takes a while to write 20 letters to students, but totally worth it. I was able to let each of them know how much I enjoyed having them in my room and what makes them special. If you are looking for a memento of your year this a great one!

We had our graduation ceremony on Wednesday and they just looked adorable. For several, I almost hated to put the graduation gown over their beautiful dresses and suits. They were such cuties! They performed a song for all the parents and really rocked it! They had their motions down and were singing their little hearts out.

I also read the book “Oh the Places You Will Go”, by Dr. Seuss, one my favorites. I let them all know they could go anywhere and be anything they wanted to be. Then they received their diplomas.

After wards we enjoyed cake and punch in our gazebo area followed by our end of the year video. It was all I could do to keep from bawling like a baby during the video. I will really miss these kiddos.

Our last day of school was a blast. We gave out our class medallions. These are from Molly at Lucky to be inFirst. They just loved their awards and wore them with pride all day.

I also gave out their summer buckets. I put in a summer packet to keep them thinking during vacation. If they bring it back completed in August they get a lunch date and Popsicle party with me. They also get a box of crayons,(I purchase these at the back to school sales for cheap and save them all year), a pencil, an eraser and a sweet treat. The tag I use says”Have buckets of fun this summer”. You can get it HERE, from Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergartners.

They wanted to pose for one last class pic being silly with their medallions.

Then they were ready to head out the door! Sniff, sniff

Monday we had our final teacher workday. I got my room all packed up and moved to the tile so they can clean my carpets. I will miss my kiddos, but I am looking forward to some summer fun too!

Now for my reveal!

I am obviously not a very good liar because almost all of you guessed right.  My lie was the 3rd fact. I do live in the country, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I hate traffic, like really, and although I miss not having stores nearby I enjoy the quiet and open space of the country. You couldn’t pay me enough to move back to the city. I am a country girl at heart.

Since I had 3 facts and my lie was the 3rd one I decided to choose 3 winners. So my son randomly chose 3 numbers (all the boys ages, lol). The winners of my new Theme box Labels are Suzanne from Kindergarten Planet, Breanna from Learning, Labs & Lattes and Sarah from Mrs. B’s First Grade.

Email me to claim your prize. If you want to check them out, just click on the cover below to see them in my store.

It is race day, so I am off to the track. Have a wonderful weekend my friends! Don’t forget to go back and check out Doodle Bugs linky!


  1. Love your creativity! Your students are very lucky to have you as their teacher. If I was in kindergarten, I would love to have you as my teacher! :) Keep it up love!

  2. Hi Laura! Your last week of school looks like a blast and I really like the idea of the countdown chain with a fun activity to do each day. I may take that idea next year! That is great! I also love that I won your labels! Yahoo!!!! Thanks so much :)
    Kindergarten Planet

  3. Laura,
    WOW! Your last week of school looks amazing! What lucky kiddos you had! I am SO excited that I won your labels! I can not wait to print them out and use them. Thank you!!
    Mrs B's First Grade

  4. Laura,
    I loved all of your five!!!! It looks like you had a fun week! The memory books are amazing and the picture of your kiddos on graduation is precious!

    Magically in First
