
Jun 9, 2015

Tell All Tuesday! Two Truths and a Lie

Hey all! School is OUT! Yes, yesterday was my last teacher work day and I am officially on summer vacation.  What better way to kick it off then to join in with some of my blogging buddies, My Day in K and Teach, Talk, Inspire on this super fun linky.  

There are so many new bloggers on the scene and this is a great way to get to know each other a little better. Every Week there will be a new theme for the Tell All.  So why not join in the fun!

This week they thought...Why not put a little spin on it?!  Let's get to know each other by playing "Two Truths and a Lie!" In your blog post tell us three "facts" about yourself.  Make 2 of them true and one a lie.  In the comment section readers will guess which ones are true and which ones are not.  After three days, come back and I'll tell you which one was the lie! So here we go!

Fact 1:  We are a racing family.  Like ALL OF THE TIME! Most weekends we are at one of our local tracks where my boys race, if not we are attending a race as spectators or at the very least watching NASCAR on TV.  It is great fun and we spend lots of quality family time together. I never have to wonder where my teenagers are...we are at the track together!

Fact 2:  I have a serious coffee habit.  I just looove coffee.  Which is totally funny, since I didn't even start drinking it until I was in my late 20's. Prior to that, I only drank it when I HAD to.  Like when you are up at 2 am cramming for that chemistry final in college and you chug 2 cups straight black coffee as fast as you can just so you can keep Well let me just say, the guys and girls at my local Starbucks know what "my" drink is when I walk in the door.   Their only question is or cold today?? 

Fact 3: We live out in the country and I am dying to move to the city.  We moved out here, to the middle of nowhere, about 12 years ago and I'm done.  I miss being able to get to the store, or really anywhere without having to drive 30+ minutes. Yes, anytime you want anything you have to make a trip to town. 

So let me know below which of my facts you think is a fib!  I am offering a special gift too.  I will randomly pick one of the correct comments to win my newest product of monthly theme box labels to get you organized for next year! 

(These WILL be added to my store this week!) Can't wait to read your comments and be sure to head to over to the linky to get to know everyone else and or link up yourself! 


  1. I think #3 is the lie-you really love where you live!

    1. You are right! I really do love where I live!


  2. Replies
    1. You were right! Fact #3 was my lie. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Hi!
    I think #3 is a lie. You need to be near a Starbucks :)

    Made with Love

    1. You were correct in choosing #3. I do live in the country, and even though I do love my Starbucks I don't want to move to town. I have gotten used to the drive and it is nice quite time to unwind! Thanks for joining the fun!


  4. I'm gonna go with #3. This is so much fun! I'd love for you to come over and read mine! I've had a great time getting to know you through these link ups!!

    Warmest Wishes,

    1. Yes you were right, #3 was the lie! Almost everyone guessed right. I am not too good at this I guess. Thanks!


  5. Replies
    1. You were right, it was #3. Although I love going to the city, I don't want to live there! Thanks for joining in on the fun!


  6. Great post! Love the pics! I say #3. My family and I love to race also, so I can relate. :) Thank you for offering the goodies! I can't wait to see your truth! It was great to know a little about you! Muah!

    1. You were right, my lie was #3. So cool that your family likes to race too! Thanks for joining in on the fun! XOXO


  7. I will take a stab and say #1 and that your family went to the races once.

    1. Well, my lie was actually #3. I do live in the country, but I don't want to move to town. Thanks for joining in on the fun!


  8. Hmmm, I'm guessing number 3. Thank you for taking the time to link up! :)

    1. You were right! Can't wait to link up again tomorrow! This has been so much fun. Thanks for hosting this great summer linky!


  9. My guess is #3! I lived in the country for 14 years (Denair; Stanislaus County), and miss it like crazy!!!

    1. Yes, you are right! I do live in the country and I do not want to move back to town. I actually lived in the country outside of Lodi growing up and then we moved for my dads job when I was in 3rd grade. My mom talked him into moving into town and that is where we stayed. I was so happy when my hubby and I moved out to the country. It was like coming home. So I totally understand you missing it! Thanks for joining in on the fun!


  10. Yours are so believable, I just don't know! I'm going to have to go ahead and say number 3 though. I love coffee too! Anything less than 4 cups is a bad day for me! Thanks for linking up with us!

    Teach Talk Inspire

    1. Well I must not have been that believable, lol, almost everyone guessed right! Great to know you are a fellow coffee addict. This linky was so much fun. Thanks so much for hosting! Looking forward to linking up again tomorrow!


  11. I'm guessing 3 is the lie. I'm totally with you on number 2 - I am a totally coffee addict, but didn't start until I was out of college!

    Literacy and Lattes

    1. You are right, the lie was #3. Too funny that we both started the coffee thing after college. Thanks for joining in on the fun!


  12. I'm guessing 3 is the lie. I'm totally with you on number 2 - I am a totally coffee addict, but didn't start until I was out of college!

    Literacy and Lattes

  13. I'm guessing 3 is the lie. I'm totally with you on number 2 - I am a totally coffee addict, but didn't start until I was out of college!

    Literacy and Lattes

  14. I'm guessing #3!! I think you love living in the country! Great post and I loved reading a little more about you!
    The Whole Wheat Class

    1. You were right. The lie was #3. I do love living in the country! Thanks for joining in all the fun!


  15. I'm choosing number #3! Can't wait to come back in a few days and find out!!


    1. You were right, #3 was my lie! Thanks for getting in on the fun!


  16. Hey Girl! Hmmmm. I guess #3. I *know* #1 is true from IG and your blog. But, we shall see!
    Your organized tub labels look great!
    Kindergarten Planet

    1. You were right! My son picked your number as one of my winners. Congrats!


  17. I am guessing #3 because you either do live in the country but don't want to move to the city or you don't live in the country. Can't wait to find out :)

    Neat Sweet & Hard to Beat

    1. Well #3 was my lie, you were right! I do live in the country. I love it and do not want to move to the city. Thanks for joining the fun!


  18. I am definitely going with #3 - I can't see a racing family wanting to be in the city!! We are headed back to the country ourselves this summer and I couldn't be more excited! I am also DYING for those organization labels - I'm moving classrooms (actually schools) this year and those would be perfect for my brand new boxes. Can't wait to find out!

    1. You were right! I do love living in the country. My son picked your number as a winner of my Theme label boxes. Email me at so I can send them to you. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun!


  19. I think it's #3! How would your get your Starbucks! BTW I can understand #2 it sounds so familiar!

    1. My lie was #3. Thanks for joining in on the fun.


  20. I'm guessing number three, too! Number two is a real addiction! Haha

    1. You were right! Yes #2 is a real addiction! lol Thanks for joining the fun!


  21. Hi! Love your pictures! I am going to guess that #2 is the lie. I think you started drinking coffee sooner? Can't wait to hear!
    Mrs B's First Grade

    1. Well #3 was actually my lie. But I let my son choose 3 random numbers to win and you were chosen! Congrats! Thanks for joining the fun!


  22. I think that #3 is a lie. I don't think that you actually live in the country. :)

    Teaching is Sweet

    1. Well you were half right. #3 is my lie, but I do live in the country, I just don't want to move to the city. Thanks for joining in on the fun!


  23. I'm going with three. I live in the country and drive my 20+ minutes when I need to go get major stuff (we have a dollar store closer), but I can't imagine ever wanting to live in the city. :P

    1. Yes, you were right! I love living in the country and wouldn't want to move to the city. Glad to meet another country girl! Thanks for joining in on the fun!

