
Jan 29, 2015

Wordless Wednesday Tear Art

I am linking up today with Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice for her Wordless Wednesday.  I know, I know it is Thursday.  In my defense I had this all written and ready to go yesterday but realized that I never actually pushed publishfail! 

Today we were beginning to work on a tear art snowman project in my art elective.

Do you do art? What are some of your favorite winter art projects? I would love to hear all about them.

Be sure to check out the linky to see all the other great pics this week.


  1. So cute! My class this year would have their fingers glued together! HA
    We do not do as much art as we did in the recent past...but my kiddos LOVE it when they get the chance!!!
    Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

  2. I love rip art!! It always turns out so cool! I have had my kids for 2 years because I looped with them from first to second this year. They love do any kind of art and always put their own little flare to it!!!
    Cute blog design!!


  3. OH I love those snowmen!!! :) What a fun idea!
