
Jan 31, 2015

Slimdown Saturday

I can’t believe it is Saturday already.  The weeks just seem to be flying by.  I am linking up with Gina at Teaching with a Touch of Pixie Dust.

Here are my deets for the week

Well it wasn’t the week I was hoping for with only a 0.8lb loss.  However, some loss is better than no loss right.  I will take it.  A positive from this week is that despite not “feeling” this week I stuck with it. The eating whole foods part anyway. There were several times this week I so wanted to “cheat” but I stayed the course and I am proud of myself for that. I also got back on track with my water intake with the help of this little guy

I had ordered this on Amazon months back, but just never started using it. I read the directions Monday so I could start using it. Now I am hooked and love it.  It counts my ounces of water for me so I know right where I am at and how far I need to go.  I did have a tough time making it to recess a couple of days, if you know what I mean #teacherproblems

I didn’t really meet my exercise goals either.  I am going to stop beating myself up about that and just move on.  I did get on the treadmill two days, better than no days, right? But I didn’t make it to the gym L I think I need some buddies to help motivate me.  I have several friends who attend classes at a small gym in the next town.  I have decided that this week I am going to join a few of the classes and hope that because others that I know are going to be there it will motivate me to Get. It. Done. I also need to remember to put my fitbit on in the morning.  Several days I forgot, so it is hard to make your goal when you don’t know how far you have gone. 

Here is my quote for the week

 I love this!  How did you do on your goals for the week? I would love to hear about it.  I am here cheering you on!! Make this week your best!


  1. I'm really enjoying my workout classes. Hopefully they are helpful to you as well!


  2. Ok I swear I commented and now I don't see it. So, I am trying again... first- any loss is good! I have to get back to liking working out and I thought about classes but they are at weird times compared to when we have the child care center available. But I am going to try to find one to try once in a while. Also- I love that water bottle! (I forgot to put that in my last comment so if you somehow get both of these, sorry) I have to check it out! Have a great week!
