
Jan 10, 2015

Slim Down Saturday!

Hey friends hope you all had a wonderful week.  Today I am sticking to my goals and linking up with Gina at Teaching with a Touch of Pixie Dust for her Slim Down Saturday.  

I know I am squeaking in just under the is still Saturday in California at least. We are at the race track this weekend with my boys and we left at 5:30 am this morning and I am just getting a quiet moment to link up.

This week was a little tough, but here goes

So I didn’t actually start my meal plan until Tuesday this last week, due to still being on vacation so it was a short week for me.  I did manage to loose 3lbs this week, which I am happy with.

I am proud of myself for sticking with my healthy eating plan despite several challenges.  The biggest was being at the track all day today.  I was surrounded by snacks, goodies the concession standoh my!  However, I was determined to not ruin all the progress I had made this week and I had planned ahead and brought healthy snacks with me thank goodness, or it could have gotten ugly, trust me!

I am sad to say though that I did NOT make it to the gym at all this week.  Each night it seemed there was something else unexpected that came up and got in the way.  I am determined this next week to exercise no matter what.  I am going to get up 45 minutes early each morning, starting Monday, and walk on the treadmill.  That way if things come up in the evening and I don’t make it to the gym at least I will have a couple of miles in.

Another goal this week is to increase my water in-take.  I know how crucial this is to being successful with any weight loss program.  I just get so busy during the day, and have limited breaks (#teacherbathroomproblems) that I let it be an excuse for not drinking my water.  I am going to make a conscious effort to get in 64 oz. of water each day.

This quote sums up my week perfectly

How did your week go? Did you meet your goals? What did you accomplish?  I would love to hear all about it.  Press on friends and good luck this week!


  1. 3 pounds is a great start and sticking to your meal plan is great too! I didn't make it to the gym either this week. I am hoping to get my act back together next week! Have a great week!


  2. Great job sticking to your meal plan even with all the unhealthy snacks around. Good luck with your goal of getting up early to walk on the treadmill. This year, I started working out in the morning, and I love it! No more excuses of being too tired after work. It is difficult in the beginning, but it gets easier as you make it a routine. This will also help you up your water intake if you drink water while walking.
