
Dec 31, 2014

January Currently

Can you believe it is January?  That means it is time to link up once again with Farley at Oh’ Boy 4th grade for her fun Currently linky.  

Listeningto my boys.  Well this graphic pretty much sums it up

When I saw this I could not stop laughing, probably since it couldn’t be more accurate.  They may “fight” but at the end of the day they really love each other, and always have each other’s back.

LovingWe have the trailer all packed up and we are headed out to the beach first thing in the morning for 4 days of relaxation and fun!  The beach is my favorite place to be, I am sure I have told you before, and I can’t wait to get there.

Thinkingthere is just never enough time. Not enough time with my boys. Not enough time to visit with family and friends. Not enough time to get everything done on my to do list. you get the picture.

Wantingwarmer weather.  The lows have been in the high 20’s which I know for most of you is warm.  However, it is FREEZING for me.  I just can’t get warm, like at all.  Bring on the spring, right away thank you. I know, I know, wishful thinking.

NeedingI must go to my classroom for an entire day next week on Tuesday or Wednesday.  My kiddos come back on Thursday and I left in a major hurry when we went to break, so my room may be a little, or maybe a lot, of a disaster.  I will not be able to function until I get everything back totally organized.  I am goofy like that.

YesI am starting Whole 30 on January 5th and getting back to 5 days a week at the gym.  I know I will feel so much better once I get back in the routine.

Maybemy hall bath is in desperate need of a spruce up.  We had new tile done last year and now it is begging for new paint and all the finishing touches. 

I wishI really want to visit North Carolina.  I know it is not an exotic location.  However, my Aunt and cousins that I haven’t seen in years are there.  Not to mention it is the home to Nascar and my boys want to see all the race shops.  We hope to make it there this summer.

So be sure to check out all the other great posts over at Farleys.

 Have a fantastic New Year friends!


  1. haha, I high fived your face - love it! :)

    Hey, I'd be good with spring coming soon too!!

    Happy New Year!

    Brie - Breezy Special Ed

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog with the linky. My little kids were all over each other today and they were still laughing but I knew it could turn ugly any minute--so I totally relate to the graphic! I can't wait for warmer weather too (but can't complain--it's 45, but for sunny LA that is freezing!) Happy new year!

    1. No matter how many times I see those monkeys it still cracks me up. My boys just shake their heads. I agree 45 still sounds cold to me, lucky you to be in So Cal. Hope you had a fun New Year!


  3. The beach! Yuckers! Give me a snow covered mountain! Isn't it funny how our special places are all different! I truly hope you and family have a wonderful trip- although I did see it was snowing in southern California.....I am also looking at eating in a more healthy way- not sure if totally Whole 30 will work for me, cause I have to have lots of cream in my coffee!
    Happy New Year
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. I have been skiing once...ya I am not into the whole cold thing. I love to look at the snow, I just don't want to be out in I like quite a bit of cream too, I just use coconut milk creamer in my coffee, no dairy or artificial sweeteners. I think healthier is great, I will see how the whole 30 goes. Hope you had a great New Year!


  4. That is funny about boys... I have only raised girls and one of the things that I have com to realize over the years working with children is that just because boys put their hands on each other doesn't mean there is actually a conflict! It has been a learning curve for me! I live in Central Kansas and the last couple nights have been single digits and it is hard to get warm, even in my warm home.

  5. Love the monkey graphic! It's cold here in lower Michigan today, but still no snow... don't know whether to be happy or sad. This has been the weirdest winter. Happy New Year to you Laura! Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

    1. I love the way the snow looks, just not the low temperatures that come with Our winter has been warmer than normal as well. Hope you a wonderful New Year!


  6. Have a great time at the beach!! Lucky you and what a nice way to start the new year!! Happy 2015!


    1. The beach is fantastic! Happy New Year to you too!


  7. Hi Laura - You're headed to the beach! I'm jealous! But since I can't I'll also be wishing for warmer weather. I'm currently wearing 2 layers of pajamas. I made sure to leave my room in tip top shape on Friday before I left - I thought about going in today to print and copy... but it was snowing so I decided not to! I hope you have a great 2015!
