
Jul 4, 2014

Five for Friday on Independence Day!

Happy Indpendence Day my Friends!  I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday! 

 This week I have been the “Queen” of PVC and Pool Noodleslol.  I posted two projects for Monday Made it that I had finished up over the weekend.  You can check those out here

I have been working on two other PVC/Noodle projects that I will be posting this coming Monday.  I just love being able to work on so many projects for my room during the summer.

This week I started trying to make good on my mission to get back into fitness.  My Mother-in-law and I have been walking every morning 2 miles around the fields of our houses.  I just love looking out at this view while walking. It is just so peaceful.

I know I need to step it up to really get back in shape, but I figure any amount of movement is a step in the right direction.    

I started packingsort offor my trip to Vegas this week.  I have been super busy with the family and I need to get finished ASAP.  I leave on Sunday for I Teach K and the blogger meet up.  As I was packing I realized I NEEDED a few cute new things to take with me.  So, I ran to town and found a couple of goodies to add to my suitcase. 

Of course, I seemed to stick to my go to favorite type of clothes latelymaxi’s.  What can I say, they are comfortable and forgiving for the few extra pounds I have put on.  I am going to miss my family, but I know that it is going to be a ton of fun and I am going to learn a lot.

Well, I couldn’t go to Vegas without getting ALL fixed up.  I really sort of used that as an excuse to squeeze in a day with one of my BFF’s to get pedicures and have lunch.  

We had a great time and I just love the sparkly red! 

Of course I had to get my nails freshened up and ready for the trip too...they had to match ya know!  Monica did a fabulous job, as usual.  She just knows me so well.  I love them!  What can I say...I am a little high maintenance.

Last night we had our annual BBQ with some wonderful friends to celebrate the 4th, I know it was the 3rd.  The little town next to ours always does their fireworks on the 3rd.  So we actually celebrate twice.  We spent the evening eating , visiting, eating, watching fireworks, eatingit was a great time.  The homemade ice cream was the best!
Tonight we will be attending another BBQ with my family and enjoying some more fireworks. 

Hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating all the wonderful freedoms we have in this country.  I am truly thankful for everything we have by living here and I am especially grateful to our military for keeping our country safe. 

Have a great weekendwhat are your plans for celebrating?  I love to read your thoughts and comments!



  1. You are right- you and I think alike! I have been walking everyday in my neighborhood. Usually 2.52 miles (according to my GPS thingie). Love those nails- I could do that on my toes, but not brave enough for fingers. Have a great trip! Maybe next year I can make it!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  2. Happy 4th! I am jealous of your view on your walks - we would love to have some land (my husband is a winemaker) but not quiet yet! Have a great time in Vegas, just a little tricky to get there from Australia! Enjoy!
    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. You are going to have so much fun in Vegas. I can't wait to hear all about it. Your nails look fabulous....again! I just ordered ANOTHER maxi dress online yesterday. I seriously have a! Be safe on your trip and take lots and lots of pictures! XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
