
Jun 2, 2014

June Currently

Well Folks, I am a lil’ tardy to the party but I am linking up with Farley for her June Currently.

I am listening to my family watch the Dodgers baseball game.  Being the only girl in the house, besides two of my sweet doggies, the TV is usually on sports or racing.  

Loving my family! We had a graduation party today, thus my reason for joining this linky late, to celebrate my oldest son graduation from high school as Valedictorian.  As well as, my youngest son graduating from 8th grade as salutatorian.  I am one proud mama.  It was a wonderful afternoon with all of our family and close friends.  We truly are so blessed!

Thinking that I can’t believe we only have 4 days of school left.  This year has just flown by.  I am really going to miss my sweet kinder babies.  I am however, ready for a little R and R this summer.

Now, don’t think I am loony for this next one, well except that I probably am just a tad. I am wanting to start working on my room for next year.  I have a super teeny tiny small room, it is like 28’ X 20’ with myself, 23 kinder babies and 2 para professionals.  All I can say is, it is a bit cozy!  I just got word last week that they will be taking one of my walls down, which will expand my room another 8’ X 20’.  Woo Hoo!  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  My mind is swimming with all the ideas of what I can do with my new found space.   

I NEED to finish my end of the year video for our Kinder graduation on Wednesday morning.  Quite honestly, with everything going on in my personal life this project has been pushed back several times.  But alas, we are down to the wire now.  So, that is what I will be doing for the next few evenings.  I know it will be worth all the work in the end!

Summer bucket listwell my list is pretty long.  It should be a whole post in itself. I actually have been meaning to link up with Deanna Jump for her 10 things of summer, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.  So I narrowed it down to my top 3for now.      

1.  I MUST get back to the gym.  I have been on a hiatus for far too long.  It has just been so busy I haven’t had the time to go.  All though I know I actually feel better and less tired when I exercise 4-5 days a week.  So I AM hitting the boot camp class every weekday at 9:30 am come next Monday!  I know that once I am back in the habit it will be easier to maintain when school starts back in August.

2.  I am attending I Teach K in Las Vegas in July.  I am over the moon excited to attend.  I have never been and I can’t wait to see all the fantastic presentations and meet some of my favorite blogger celebrities!!

3.  I need to get several rooms in my house organized.  This year has been crazy and I have let a few things slip.  I am usuallya place for everything and everything in its place but a few of my rooms could be an episode of hoarders right now.  Well, maybe not quite that bad, but pretty close.  So, I am going to get them whipped into shape right away so then I can enjoy the rest of my summer without feeling guilty.

As porky pig would sayThaaat’s all folks!  Be sure to check out all the other great posts over at Farley’s.



  1. You aren't loony - you are just ambitious! And you SHOULD be so proud of your children - Valedictorian and Salutatorian!? Smarties! Keep doing whatever you are doing because it's working :)

    Mindful Rambles

  2. Great bucket list! I need to exercise and get organized too. It can be hard to get it all accomplished when we teach all day! So glad we have summer to catch up on things! Cute blog!

    Bits of First Grade
