Oh my, don’t fall off your
couch. I am posting my Five for Friday
and it is actually still Friday…lol. It has
been one craaazy week, that I am glad is finally over. So I am linking up with Doodle Bugs….
This was our last week of
school and we have been working on these super cute memory books by Lyndsey at
A Year of Many Firsts. The kiddos have
been having a fantastic time and they will have something to look back on with
fond memories.
Some of these answers just
melt my heart! This little guys says...One thing I'll never forget about my teacher is...she never forgets us, and My teacher made me smile when...she was pushing us on the swings. It is the smallest of things that can touch one of your students.
I also spent numerous hours
these past few weeks finalizing and putting the finishing touches on, not one, but 2
video/slide shows. We had a combo
graduation party on Sunday for my high schooler and 8th grader and I
had a video for them. Then I had one for
our kinder graduation. Both of them were
well worth all the hard work. I must admit there were
tears at both events, and not just my own!
Then as part of their end of
year gift from me, I burned a copy of the video for each of my kiddos. These super cute cover sheets are from Tiffani
at Time 4 Kindergarten.
I put together these sand buckets
for a year end gift for my kiddos. It
wasn’t all fluff though. It did also have
a summer work pack for them and sight word flashcards to practice over the
summer, along with their memories dvd and some school supplies to use on their
summer work. I am not all work, if they
bring back their pack completed in August they will get a gift from me.
Aren’t these tags just too
cute! You can get your own from Mrs. Payton’s Precious Kindergarteners.
We had a wonderful
Kindergarten graduation ceremony. I sure
am gonna miss these little cuties. It
looks like I am blessed with a nice small class. In reality I have a combo TK/K class, so my additional 13 sweeties were hanging out with another teacher during our ceremony.
Isn’t this cake to die for. One of my super talented Mom’s volunteered to
make our cake. I had no idea it would be
this fabulous when I agreed. Obviously
it was a huge hit with the students and parents.
Finally to end the week we
had the 8th grade graduation of my youngest son Grant.
Here he is receiving his
Salutatorian plaque. I am one proud
He is just getting so big I
can’t believe it. He will soon be
passing my husband up. I have on 4”
platform heels or he would be towering over me too!
So I am now officially on
Summer vaca!! Woo Hoo!! Have a great
week friends!
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