
Jun 20, 2014

iPads, Clipart, Cooking and Fun! Five for Friday!

How’s that for a random titlewere you thinking what?? I am not a professional writer, obviously, but that pretty much sums up my week...  Welcome to Five for Friday, I am linking up with Doodle Bugs again for one of my favorite linky’s. 

Although it is summer I feel like as teachers we never stop learning and improving.  I feel that is the only way we can keep passionate about our job and be the best that we can be for our students.  This week I attended the annual Tech Boot Camp in our area.

For three days you can choose different sessions about using technology in the classroom.  I learned a lot and am super excited to share with you, and with my student's, just all the fantastic things I experienced.  This next year I am fortunate enough to be going 1/1 with iPads in my room and I was looking to get some good ideas of how to best take advantage of this opportunity.  Boy, did I ever.  One of my favorite classes was tips and tricks of the iPad and a program called Doceri to present and teach using the iPad.  Plus going paperless, apps galore, everything Google and so much more!  Stay tuned, next week I will be sharing with you all the information I learned.

I also spent quite a bit of time organizing all of my clip art this week.  I may need an intervention.  I did not realize how much I have and this has just been for personal use, so far.  One of my goals for this summer was to get my TPT store up and running.  I felt like really getting organized was the first step, so I can dive right in on the list of things I have been wanting to create.  Thanks to Cynthia at My Kind of Teaching for helping me out too!

I just love to cookbut not clean upbut somebody’s got to do that too and it is usually me...but back to the cooking. I must confess during school, especially at the end of the year my recipes get pretty boring.  Just whatever is quick and simple.  So this week I got to spend a little time in the kitchen. (no judging on the photo I know I need some

I even made one of my, and the families, favorites.  I call it veggie spaghetti.  It is a homemade, no cans or bottles here people, marinara that is chock full of fresh veggies.  I use tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, and mushrooms, plus green, red and yellow bell peppers.  My special spices and lean ground turkey finish it off.  Boil up some whole wheat linguine and you have a perfect one bowl meal.  I am not a huge salad fan so with this you get everything in the sauce no need for a side dish of greens. Yum, Yum!

My oldest will be leaving for college in September so we are trying to make the most of these last few months before he goes.  We both love the show The Good Wife.  However, we missed the first 2 seasons.  It is now available on Hulu Plus, so this week we started from the beginning and managed to squeeze in 4 episodes over the last couple of days.  This is a great way to unwind and spend some down time together just hanging out! I am really gonna miss him when he goes...

Today we are off for a day full of fun and sun with all the familynieces, nephews and cousins included.  

We are going to a local water park, it is a summer tradition. They have a wave pool, water slides, kiddie zone, and cabanas to just hang out.  The boys have been looking forward to it all week.

Keep enjoying your summer!  Leave a comment and let me know what fun you will be up to today or later this summer!  



  1. I am so jealous of your Tech Boot Camp. I want to go too!!! I would love to be a 1:1 laptop class I think. iPads would be really fun though too! Way to go on organziing your Clip Art. It does make all the difference in the world. I don't like cooking or cleaning up, so my meals are always boring. Have fun on your water park trip!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. You are right, our 5th graders have 1/1 chromebooks and they love them I know you would too. We are getting their hand me down iPads, which I am totally fine with. We had a fantastic time at the water park today. Thanks for stopping by.


  2. We are newest followers. I go out to eat most of my meals. I gave up cooking. but I would say don't wait to get organized. Just jump in and make something for your class. There will always be organizing to do just like most classroom. Good luck. It is nice you have a mentor.

  3. I love that you are enjoying The Good Wife together. What great memories. Neither one of you will ever forget that. :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Thanks for stopping by. It is always nice to "meet" a fellow K teacher.


  4. I will be 1:1 with iPads and my Kinders this year too! I cannot wait to see what all you learned. I am going to a tech conference in our county at the end of July. We will have to compare notes!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

    1. Yes we will definitely have to compare notes!


  5. have a blog! I am glad I found it. Can we give you a shout out this summer on our blog....Kindergarten Rocks? Amber

    1. Amber,

      So glad that you found me! I would love for you to give me a shout out on your blog and I would love to do the same for you too if that is ok??

