
May 2, 2014

Take Two!!... and May Currently

Well, if you saw my last post, many moons ago, I said I was taking the plunge into blogging.  Ha! Ha! Ha!  It was more like a belly flop!  I had, and still do every week, all these fantastic ideas swirling around in my head, but I failed to blog about any of them.  (sad face)  Life just sort of took over.  So I am trying it again!

I thought I would jump back in by linking up with Farley for her May currently.  However, it is already the 2nd of May so I am already not following the “rules”.  I am just a rebel like that.  Anywhohere goes!

Listening toI don’t get a lot of time to watch TV, but I love my DVR…I never watch commercials.  So I am catching up on one of my favorites Nashville.

Lovingthat I get to spend some quality time with my boys this weekend.  My 2 younger boys race outlaw wing karts and we are headed out to the race track early in the morning.  Nothin’ like spending the weekend staying in a 30 foot trailer to get caught up with your teenagers.  In truth I really do love it!

ThinkingI can’t believe we only have 23 days left of school.  Where has the year gone.  I am ready for a break, but it has been a fantastic year!  I will really miss my sweet kinders.

Wantingan extra day to my week.  I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I have 2 boys graduating, one is a senior in high school and one is an eighth grader, and my third son is practicing to get his driver’s license next month.  Of course add in my 23 kindergartners, my husband, household chores, etc, etc.  I am sure you get the point.  It would be so much easier to keep and stay caught up if I could just get an extra day each weeklol.

Needingto get to the gym more than 2 days a week.  I signed up last month for boot camp to get my rear, literally, in shape and loose my winter ”coat” of an extra 15 pounds.  You can attend up to 5 days a week as part of the package.  With my crazy busy schedule I have only been able to fit in 2 and sometimes 3 days a week.  I am not seeing the results I want fast enough so I NEED to get there 4-5 days a week to speed up the process.  Anybody else have this problem???

Surprisetruthfully this was a tuff one.  There are so many bloggers and TPT sellers that I love and admire.  However I had to go with Mrs. Wills Kindergarten.  My kiddos absolutely love her Poetry.  They can’t wait to see what our new poem will be every Monday!  It has been so fantastic to see how many skills they have developed and how far my ELL’s have come as a result of using these Poetry units.  If you haven’t seen them be sure to check them out! 

Thanks for stopping by my ‘lil blog.  I plan on coming back tomorrow for doodle bugs, 5 for Friday.  I know, I know, I am breaking the rules again since it will be Saturday.  I’ll get this blogging thing together sooner or laterlol


  1. The Currently link up is what got me started into blogging and got me my first visitors to my blog! And Five for Friday on a Saturday is pretty much standard for me! Link ups are such a great way to attract new readers and also to find new blogs to follow! Good luck with your new blogging adventure!!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I am glad to know I am not the only one a little behind!

  2. I just did the Currently link up for the first time this month! I was late, too :) I think I am going to try the "Five For Friday" link up on Saturday, too! I like knowing that I am not the only one who is a little behind schedule :)
    Differentiation Station Creations

    1. Thanks so much for letting me know I am not alone! Love your blog and all your creations.

  3. Oh, I hear ya on the exercise thing! I keep putting it on my list and it keeps getting bumped to the bottom. Boo! Congrats on your graduations!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  4. Hi! Found your cute blog from the link up! Also, welcome to the blogging world! I can understand how it can be hard juggling writing posts and teaching, and basically LIFE happening all at the same time! I'm a new follower, and I hope you can stop by to read my currently, too. :)

    Andrea @ Cheers To School

    1. Thanks for welcoming me as a new blogger! I am excited for the journey ahead. I will check out your blog too!


  5. You are so lucky that you have only 23 days left of school!!! I feel ya on working out, I too need to get exercise more often. Have a great weekend!:)

    Mrs. Solis Teaching Treasures

    1. How many days of school left for you?? If I find a magic secret to working out I'll be sure to share it with

