
May 4, 2014

Five for Funday!

Now don’t fall over, I posting again and it has only been 2 days since my last.  Ha! Ha!  I actually planned on posting yesterday, but we were at a remote race track yesterday and I didn’t have any internet service.  

 Doodle Bugs

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs five for Fridaybut mine will have to be Five for Funday! I have to apologize up front for my pictures.  I am not the best photographer, not to mention I forgot my nice Cannon all week and had to use my iPhone. 

This week we had our Open House.  This is a hand print rainbow we made to display in our room.  I know, I know the colors are not in the correct order this was just for fun!

 We also made these adorable stained glass kites.  Thank you to Maria at Kinder-craze for this fantastic idea. Her's are much cuter than mine.  In my defense our internet was down the day we made them and I couldn't access her post to see them. So I was just rollin' with it from memory. The kids loved it, so that is really all that matters.

(Ignore the black trash bin in the background.  This holds our playground sand toys)

To finish up our unit on insects we released a million ladybugs, at least that’s the estimate one of my kiddos gave. (I purchased a small tub of ladybugs at my local OSH in the garden department, if you want to get some too.) The kids were sooo excited and loved every minute of it.  They were crawling all over my kinders and you could hear squeals of delight, well mostly delight.  There were a few that were a little scared.  

We did a little review on nouns this week and each student had to write me their own person, place or thing.  They each shared what they had written and then added it to our anchor chart.  It is so great to see that they are really getting it! Especially since 60% of my kiddos didn’t speak English when we started school.

Do your kids like “What does the Fox say?”  Well mine beg to hear it.  So I had to share this video I found this past week that was perfect.  It is by Have Fun Teaching and it is “What Do The Letters Say?”  You have to check it out.  Every morning, as soon as my kinders came in they were asking, “Are we going to sing our new song today?”  

Finally, on Friday we started our unit on Farms off with a field trip to two of our local Dairies.  The kiddos had a fantastic time seeing all the cows and riding the trailer around the farm.  We also got to bottle feed a few of the calves and ended it all with a picnic lunch complete with chocolate milk and ice cream.  

I teach at a rural school and over half my students live on one of the two dairies that we visited.  They thought it was just too cool, since many of them got to see their Daddy working and wave to him.  It was so cute! It just warmed your heart to see them so proud and excited. 

Until next time blessings for a wonderful week friends!   



  1. Oh my goodness! Those pictures of the kids feeding the cows is TOO CUTE! I also LOVE that handprint rainbow. Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

    1. Thanks so much for your nice comments! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and support of my new blog.

