
May 10, 2014

Five for Fraturday

Well I improved my record by 1 day.  Last week it was Five for Funday.  Today I am squeaking in on Five for Fraturday, I am on California time ya know. Maybe next week I’ll actually make it on Fridaylol.  Well, one can dream, right.

In my defense I do have a good excuse for not posting until now.  We had our annual Spring Carnival at School last night.  So I was at school at 7:30am, and I finally walked in the door to my family at 10:20pm.  Needless to say I was pooped and I needed some time to recuperate.

However, due to my obsessive type A personality we have to start our 5 pics of the week at the beginning of course...not with the carnival pics!

Monday was Cinco de Mayo and since the population of the school I teach at is 98% Hispanic we celebrate in a big way.  Like half the day celebrate.  About half of the Mothers of my students brought food to share.  I am not talking about a little something either.  We had a full on meal tamales, rice, nachos, posole (probably spelled wrong), a spicy hot chocolate drink, lime drink, ice pops and Mexican candy.  Next we all went outside and there was face painting, a soccer shoot out, music, bean bag toss and a few other games.  Then of course we had piñatas.  There was one for the K-2 students and one for the 4-8 students.  A great time was had by all the students and their families.

I couldn’t resist getting a pic of this little cutie in her special outfit and face paint.  I didn’t get many pics taken since I was running the soccer shoot out game, so not my thing.  I was always a dancer and cheerleader NOT on the sports teams.  But, I am always willing to pitch in where ever I am needed.

Do you let your kiddos take pictures of their center work?  Well, mine love to do just that.  It motivates them to get their work done, since they know they will be able to then take a picture with my iPhone or iPad.  I tell them it is so I can “check” their work later, it is really so I am not disturbed during guided reading.  It just cracks me up sometimes what I find when I check them out at the end of the day. You can really tell who the hams are in my class.  Sorry these are a little blurry, they haven’t become expert photographers yet. 

Did you shop the TPT sale?  Well I sure did.  I filled up my cart 3 times.  I just can’t pass up a good deal.  Then I went and left all my feed back. Then I had to go back one last time to spend my credits of course.

I went a little crazy.  Thank goodness my hubs doesn’t know how much I spend on TPTlol.   Anywho,  I did get several bundles off my wish list that have been on there for quite a while, as well as some much needed clip art to use this summer, and I am ready to go for the beginning of next year too!

What items did you get that you couldn’t live without??  

We created the most adorable Mother’s Day Lap books in my class this week.  Check out Jennifer’s bog Crayons & Cuties in Kindergarten for all the details.  My kiddos loved working on them and I know their Mother’s are going to love them too!

My awesome Paraprofessionals helping out the kiddos with the hand prints while I worked with them on the writing portion.

In case your Kindergarten reading skills are a bit rusty I’ll translatelol.  I love my mom.  My mom give me love.  I give my mom love. I don’t lie to mom.  I love you mom.

Just love this poem that is on the back of each lap book.

The finished product!

Last but not least we had our annual school carnival Friday night.  We had a good turn out, considering we only have 131 students in our whole school K-8.  I tried to sneak away from my duties to snap a few pics, before it got too dark.

 I was in charge of the silent auction with our 5th Grade teacher Mrs. Taylor, otherwise know as Vana White, seen ablove.  Her students are our reading buddies and my kinders love having them visit. 

Happy Mother's Day to you all.  May you all have a blessed and wonderful day with your own Mother and/or family!



  1. Wow... you certainly did more shopping in the sale than I did. :) So great to have the treat of TpT credits after a little spree, though. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  2. Those lap books look amazing!! Such a cool present.

    Luck's Little Learners
