
May 1, 2016

Currently May

Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday! I am taking advantage of having nowhere that I have to be today! I have been missing out on joining Oh Boy it's Farley for her fun Currently linky. It has been just crazy busy. Now I see this is going to be her very. last. one.
Truth...I am kind of sad, but I totally understand she has hosted this fun linky for a long time and as she said...all good things must come to an end. Thanks Farley it has been a blast! Here we go!

Listening...It is Sunday afternoon and in this race family, if we are not at the track NASCAR is on the TV.

Loving...this beautiful weather. It has been a lot of back and forth here in central California lately, hot, one day, rainy and cloudy the next, then mild temps in the 70's.  They say a high of 85 today. I love me some warm weather, and we desperately need the rain, so it is all good!

Thinking...How can there only be 23 days of school left. This school year has totally flown by. There is still a lot of fun to be had in that time and I want to make the most of every minute I have left with my littles!

Wanting...A Fairy Godmother! I am pretty sure I have said this before. I keep hoping I'll find one I guess. I don't love cleaning, I mean who does, well maybe my mother in law, but anyway, I don't want to spend every weekend cleaning my house. I want to spend time with my boys and family having fun. If I could get someone to do ALL the cleaning, it would be a dream come true. For now, I guess I will just keep dreaming about it and plugging along.

Needing...I usually try to do a load or two of laundry a day so it isn't all backed up on the weekend. However, this week was busier than usual and I haven't done a load since Tuesday. Oh My! Which means that with myself, hubby, 3 teenage boys, towels, sheets, etc I have like 8 loads of laundry to do today. No joke!

Truth...I had to think about this a bit, I could give a generic answer or I could just lay it all out there. Well friends, here is is...I am a Hot Mess! I mean my classroom looks clean, my lesson plans are done, my kids are fed, the laundry is being worked on, but I still have a To Do list that I feel like is ever growing. I feel like I am just surviving. I feel that so many times I have to settle for giving less than my very best in certain areas, just so I can try to appear like I have it all together. Well the cat is out of the bag, I do not have it all together. So if you feel this way too, know that you are not alone! I even posted this on my IG today...

Happy Teacher Appreciation week my friends you are appreciated! Have a super week! Be sure to head back over to Farley's and check out all the other fantastic bloggers who have linked up!


  1. I love the coffee quote! I am just a mess! My room doesn't even look all that neat and tidy some of the time!

  2. Thanks for the laugh! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels like a Hot Mess!

    1. So glad I could offer you some comic relief!


  3. I am so with you on the hot mess thing! Appearances certainly can be deceiving because on the outside you might not know...glad to see I'm not alone in this!

  4. Totally, completely agree about the To-Do list. I never seem to get to the end and my house is not clean. I am going to do a ton of work this summer and then hire a maid. Seriously. A maid. I will call her my sanity saver. Have a great week Laura!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  5. I'm a hot mess here, too. If you find that Fairy Godmother, send her my way please. Between the kids and the lack of time to get it all done, the house could sure use a little magic! Have a great week!

  6. Oh, yeah, you got it right... hot mess, fairy godmother need (both at home and school!), and sad about Currently. Yep, that sums it up. Later, Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom


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