
Aug 1, 2015

August Currently

How can it be August already. It seemes like we just got out for summer break a week or so ago.  But since it is here, it is time to join one of my very favorite linky’s. Yes you guessed it, it is time for Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade’s Currently.

Here it is…

Listening…I have a new show on Netflix that I am loving… Hart of Dixie, I am half way through season one already. Its perfect for when I am working on the computer, you can keep caught up just by listening, lol. If you are looking for a fun, feel good series this will do it.

Loving…I have been working hard in my class getting it all set up. I have kept some things the same and changed a few things up a bit. Although I still have a lot to do, I am loving how it is coming together.
Thinking…How can my vacation be over, well in 3 days it will be. We start back for PD on Wednesday the 5th . The summers just seem to be going faster and faster.

Wanting…to go to the beach. We always go for at least a week or two during the summer, but his year it just didn’t happen. My son is racing in a new series and the schedule just didn’t leave many open weekends. Add to that the I Teach K and TPT Conferences in Vegas, a 3-day Tech Boot Camp, and some other family obligations and we just RAN. OUT. OF. TIME. Boo! It is one of my favorite places to just relax and recharge. We are going to go just for the day next weekend to see the waves and enjoy some of the best fish & chips around.  So I guess I’ll have to just be happy with that for now.

Needing…to finish up my year long planning calendar. I am wanting to make a few tweaks to my themes and I need to incorporate in a new reading program. Since we start school with kiddos the 10th I have moved it to the top of my to do list.

B2S Rak…this was perfect, since I have already been putting together some little gifts for my teammates. Nothing fancy, but just something to let them know I appreciate them and I am looing forward to our year together.

Be sure to go back and check out all the other posts at Farley's. Have a great week!


  1. We start back early this year too! :( You've had a very busy summer, hope you have a great year!

  2. And I thought we started back early! YIKES! I can't wait to see your finished room. I'm super curious what you're putting together for your teammates. I'm looking for ideas!
    Always Kindergarten

  3. What's your theme for your classroom this year? Do you have something specific? I love seeing what other teachers do with their classrooms!


    1. I am the Jungle room. Then I also used accents of Lime and Turquoise. I love it. I will be posting pics soon!


  4. I love Hart of Dixie. I need to catch up on the latest season. For some reason it didn't make it to my DVR. I've been working on our Year at a Glance with my my team the past two days. We will work on it for two more days and they we go back on the 5th for two days and then officially start on the 11th. It sure did go by fast! I spent my afternoon messing with my new printer! Love it!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. Wow, you have been busy this summer!! Hope you get a bit more relaxing time in before you go back!

    Hart of Dixie is on my Netflux list, but right now I'm blowing through Friends for the second time. It is the best for working on school stuff because I have seen every episode like four times!! :P

    First Grade Garden

  6. I can't wait to see your finished room and the choices you made about your theme!! It sounds like you had a really great summer, what a bunch of awesome memories you got to make!! I hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your time off and that you have an amazing start to the new school year!!

    Kindergarten Dragons

  7. Oh no! You guys go back to school so soon! I plan to go in the morning and move things around in my lab. Not planning to accomplish much. Hopefully I can at least remember how to reconnect my computer and projector. Gah! Should have labeled those cords! Have a great start next week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  8. Hart of Dixie is WONDERFUL! I just love it. It is a perfect mindless entertainment!
    I was just thinking this morning that I can't believe school is up already. Summer seems so long when it is starting and so short when it is ending. I don't know how that happens! Good luck with finishing your Curriculum Maps!

    Mullens Madness

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you it seems long, but short, lol. Can't believe I just found that show, where have I been?? Good luck with your school year!


  9. Summer (or any break really) goes too fast, especially with a packed agenda. I'm always working with the TV on and Netflix or Hulu playing but I tend to get distracted sometimes this way. Good luck this school year!

    Teaching Doodles

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