
Jun 16, 2015

Tell All Tuesday ~ Summer Snapshot

Hey all, hope you are having a fabulous week. Today I am joining my friends Diana from My Day in K and Jayme from Teach Talk Inspire, for their Tell all Tuesday linky.

This week our topic is called "Summer Snapshot" Think about a favorite summer memory current or new and post a picture or two about it. It could be a favorite summer trip, activity, or spot that you enjoy.  We can't wait to see and read all about your summer adventures.  Tell me about yours in the comments or even better link up with us!

So I am going to apologize up front. It is like photo overload in this post. I really tried to limit it, but there were just so many that I loved. It is not totally my fault, I am a recovering scrapbookaholic. Feel free to skim right on through, lol. Not to mention I couldn’t settle on one favorite summer place/memory. So I am breaking the rules a bit. 

One of our favorite places to go ever since I was a kid and the hubby's too, is the beach. We both have been going since we were little and we have continued that with our own boys. They have been at the beach since they were tiny. 

Our beach trips aren’t your “normal” beach trips. We camp in the sand. Ok, maybe not exactly camp, we have our trailer with push button electricity, via the generator, TV, X-Box and wifi thanks to the hot spot on my phone. However, from sun up til sun down we are out in the sand and the sun. It is only after dark that we hang out in the trailer or if it is not too chilly by the bon fire. It is great family fun for all and we usually have a group of 4-5 other trailers in our camp too, so all the kids, and adults, have a great time. We can’t wait to load up and head out, for at least for a few weekends this summer.

The boys just love riding in the rhino and on their ATV’s. This trip we had a little accident, broken tie rod, guess that’s what you get when you let your 12 year old jump the dunes in the rhino. In his defense, he does know how to drive, he’s been racing since he was 3, he is just a little crazy like his daddy!

The second place we really love is the lake.  At least they both have the water theme going. The boys love spending the day on the boat and tubing or wakeboarding. Our middle son even had his first weekend trip to the lake when he was only 3 weeks old. We are just an adventurous family, always heading out somewhere.

I know these are memories are ones that will last a lifetime for our family. Where is your favorite place/memory.


  1. Your beach trips look like so much fun!

  2. So cool! Your boys look like they know how to have fun! What great traditions.
    Always Kindergarten

    1. They do keep me on my toes! Thanks for taking the time to comment!


  3. Love, love, love it! Share all the pics, they are so cute! What a beautiful family and great memories! I love the adventures! I can't wait to hear more!

    1. Your comments always make me smile! Thanks!


  4. I am soooo jealous you are getting to go to Pismo. My mom and dad made a trip over there during the Memorial Day weekend. Throw some sand in the air for me and kiss the sky! xo
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. Your kind of camping is my kind of camping! Have you ever been to Seacliff State Beach near Santa Cruz with your trailer? Looks like you have great fun with your family!
    Very Perry Classroom

    1. We have been to Santa Cruz, but we have not stayed at that beach. My Aunt lives in Santa Cruz, so we usually stay with her when we are up that way!


  6. Wow, those are some gorgeous pictures! I too love the beach, lake, pond, river, anywhere there is water! There is just something so soothing about being near the water! You have some amazing memories and are giving your boys so many awesome life experiences! Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Warmest Wishes,

    1. I agree anywhere with water is kind of magical! Thanks for taking the time to comment!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love trips to the beach and I love camping! Haven't done the ATV part of it.........but maybe someday!
    Kindergarten Planet

    1. With all of your hiking adventures, you would love the ATV's. You'll have to give it a try one day! Thanks for your comments!


  9. Oh how fun! I can't show my 4 year old son the pictures of the ATVs or I know he'll want to add that to our camping adventures. We are looking forward to getting back to camping when we are back in the states next summer!
    Joya :)

    1. Yup, there is just something about boys and anything with a motor!


  10. Oh my goodness, your pictures are adorable! It looks like you have a fantastic time! We love the beach and to camp, and your trip looks like the best of both! We may try it out some day! Thank you so much for sharing! Much love,
    Ashley and Brooklynn

    1. You should give it a try. Thanks for your sweet comments!


  11. Laura, I'm glad you included every picture you did, they looked like great summer memories. You crack me up, "recovering scrapbookaholic" can I join that group?! Haha. We love the beach too! Such a relaxing place to kick back with the ones you love. Thanks for taking the time to link up with us!

    1. I would be happy to have to join my recovery group, lol! Thanks for your sweet comments! Just loving your linky's! They are helping me get back on track with my blogging in addition to being a ton of fun!


  12. I love your summer snapshot. Your beach trips look like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing!

    The Teaching Twosome
