
Jun 28, 2015

Five for Funday, Tell All, Dreams & A Winner!

Well I am a total rule breaker today! I have been trying to complete a blog post for a few days now, and for reasons I'll go into in a bit, it just hasn't happened. This week I wanted to join the Tell Tall Tuesday linky...missed it. I needed to post my TpT Challenge Dreams...before Sunday night. I love joining the Five for is Sunday. So I decided to throw caution to the wind and roll all three of those posts into one. Real rebel here! 

Part of the reason I didn't get my posts done earlier is that I bought a Macbook Pro almost 4 months ago and have never copied all my files over and have been dragging my feet to figure out how to really use it. I decided this was the week, no more excuses. It took me a little longer than usual. But, I can see already that once I get used to it I am gonna love my Mac and don't see myself going back to a PC ever again. First up I am joining the fabulous Kacey at Doodle Bugs teaching for Five for Friday Funday! 

This week I attended a local Tech boot camp and it was 3 days of great training. In addition to teaching my kindergarten class I am the tech coach/support for our school. I have attended this conference for the last three years and it rarely disappoints.

This last week I learned all about App Smashing, using Advanced Google Apps, Augmented Reality, Google Classroom and so much more! I have to organize my notes and I will be posting to share all the great things I learned. 

I am joining up with my friends Diana at My Day in K and Jayme from Think Talk Inspire for Tell All Tuesday.

This week was your Teacher Bucket List. Here are my professional goals.

Shortly after completing my teaching credential I entered the masters in administration program. However, life started getting busier than ever with babies and toddlers and I decided to take a break from classes for a while. I have decided that it is time to get back to it and finish up. I am going to be the K-2 Lead teacher this next year and feel like this is a step moving me in the right direction. So in September I am starting classes again. 

I love creating products to use in my room. Last August when I started my TpT store to share some of my ideas I really had no idea what I was doing. I have since seen what a wonderful opportunity I have before me. By getting serious about my products I have the potential to create an extra stream of income for my family that can allow us to fulfill some of our dreams that might otherwise not be possible. 

My third item on my professional bucket list is to be a presenter at conferences. I love working with other teachers and helping them to learn ways they can reach each and every student in their class. By presenting I would be able to do just that! 

I am linking up with Sparkling in Second, Teach Create Motivate, Third in Hollywood and Peppy Zesty Teacherista for this week's TpT Challenge task was Dare to Dream. We had to think about what would be on our dream list, personal or professional that TpT could help us to make a reality. Mine is a mix of both.

The first thing on my dream list is travel. There are so many places I would like to travel to. Europe, Australia, Sweden, not to mention many places within the US, just to name a few. 

I love being at the beach and the lake. It is just so peaceful.  A definite dream would be able to purchase a vacation home or even everyday home at one of those locations.

I would love to be able to make enough money creating products to do TpT full time if I wanted to. Right now I love being with my kiddos everyday, but wouldn't it be nice to have the choice. 

I think it is so important to give back to those less fortunate. We volunteer at a local homeless shelter a couple of times a year, donate small amounts to local charities and tithe at our church. However, I would love to be able to fund an orphanage. I have a friend that is lucky enough to almost fully fund an orphanage overseas. Having the ability to do that would be a dream come true!

This week I got some super fun mail. I am super exited to be going to the I Teach K and TpT conferences and had to have some goodies to take with me.

Thanks to the wonderful A+ Images I got this super cute T-shirt for Free. Yes you read that right. They are offering a free T-shirt to bloggers and you still have time to get one, even if you are not going to Vegas. They also have a ton of cute teacher designs if you don't have a blog. You will want to check them out! I also got these 2 super cute logo buttons from Zazzle. If you see me in Vegas, be sure you stop me and say Hi!

Last year I got my very first Erin Condren Lifeplanner and let me just say it was worth every penny. Several weeks ago I saw that Jennifer at A Dab of Glue Will Do had gotten one with a custom cover. Well, I knew that was what I had to have. So when the new planners came out in June I got online and ordered one with a custom cover. I went with the new horizontal design for my weeks and I love it! If you want to get your own EC Planner you can use this code for $10 off.

I am ready to hand out my business cards. I got two different styles because I couldn't make a decision. One has QR codes on the back and the other back has the link addresses. Lastly, I had to have a custom notebook to take notes in right? These both came from Vista print and I couldn't be happier with them.

This past week I celebrated the first year anniversary of my blog. My giveaway ended last night and the rafflecopter has selected a winner! Congratulations!

It was a fabulous, but busy week. Hope you had a great week too!


  1. You blog logo on your t-shirt looks great! Thank you for sharing about that great deal that they are offering. My husband's brother lives in Sweden! We haven't been there but would love to go and visit him.:)

    Mrs. Solis Teaching Treasures

    1. It is a great deal, you should get one! Thanks for taking the time to comment!


  2. I love that you rolled them all into one!! I always feel bad when I miss a link that I really wanted to join! You GO Girl!! :)
    Your Custom EC planner is AMAZING!! I am going to look into getting one too!!
    It’s Kinder Time

    1. The EC Planner is awesome. If you are the paper planner type it is the best! Thanks for your comments!


  3. Wow, you did a great job combining your posts! I had a great time reading them all!! I LOVE all your 'blog swag'! I definitely want a notebook like yours from VistaPrint!! Looks like you're all set for Vegas! I hope you have an amazing time!

    Warmest Wishes,
    Kindergarten Dragons

    1. Thanks, I am pretty excited! I appreciate your comments!


  4. I love all your personalized goodies! They look great!

    Teaching is Sweet

  5. Can I just say that I am in love with your EC planner?!? It's too cute. All of your personalized goodies look amaze!!! I hope you have an amazing time in Vegas!!

    Yee-Haw in Kindergarten
