
Apr 2, 2015

April Currently

Can you believe it is the start of April already?  This school year is just flying by.  It is time again for one of my favorite linky’s with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her Currently.

I am on spring break and was hanging out with my family so I am a tad late to the party, but here goes!

Listeningabsolutely nothing!  It is heaven.  Sometimes it is just nice to sit and have total quietwell except for the key taping as I type thislol.

LovingSpring Break.  We are not doing anything super special, just spending time together.  The movies, Skywalk (a trampoline venue), shopping (the boys needed new  shoes).  But it is time together.  It doesn’t have to be big things to make memories together.  I love this quote I posted to my Instagram yesterday

ThinkingI only have 5 more days of break! What?? It is already half over and I don’t think I have checked one thing off my list yet. But, I am making memories with the boys!

WantingA magic wand. I mean who wouldn’t.  I could keep hanging out with the boys and all my re-organizing, cleaning, etc. on my to do list would just magically get done.

NeedingYes it is a recurring theme.  The list is a mile long and I need to cross off at least an item or two!

Eggs-plain your nameNo earth shattering revelation here.  I say LOVE, all the time. I Love this food, I Love this dress, I Love this color, you get the picture.  Well I LOVE teaching and my Kindergarteners so it seemed like a good fit. I don’t have a fun nick name I could explain instead either, I am pretty boring I guess. 

Now head back and be sure and check out Farley’s linky to see what everyone else is up to. Have a great week my friends! 


  1. I am also on Spring Break right now! And I couldn't agree with you more - it is going by way too fast!!

    Teaching Tidbits and More with Jamie

    1. Try to enjoy whats left of your break! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.


  2. Hi Laura,
    Love reading about you :) Glad you're enjoying some much needed silence and relaxation! I couldn't agree more, it's all about the little things. Have a great rest of your week!

    1. Thanks for such nice comments. Enjoy your Easter weekend!


  3. I'm also enjoying my spring break!! A magic wand would definitely be nice for all of the spring cleaning that I keep telling myself I'm going to do and instead I am reading different blog posts!!! Enjoy the rest of your break and all of the memories that you are making!!

    1. I admit I have skipped cleaning many times, past and present, to catch up on my favorite blogs. I always get such great ideas from my fellow teachers I feel like it is well worth my time. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Have a great Easter!


  4. Enjoy your time off! i think you need a spa visit, too! My break went by in a blink and I did NO cleaning- just reading and hanging out in sweat pants...drinking coffee!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  5. Hi Laura - I've popped over here from Farley's link up. I laughed out loud when I came to the part about the magic wand. You are very clever. I hadn't thought of that, but I can see the value of having one. Esp. when it's time to do laundry, or clean. :)) Your blog is so cute! Enjoy the rest of your break!

    Crayonbox Learning

  6. I am so glad that you are getting in some good family time at Spring Break. It does not matter where you go - making the memories together is what matters. If you ever find a magic wand please grab two. I would like one also. :) My list does not want to shrink and somehow it keeps getting longer. I need a week all to myself and then maybe I could get a good chunk of it crossed out..or that magic wand might do the trick.

  7. Hi Laura! You are anything but boring! Great story to your blog name. I feel the same way! And brilliant about the magic wand. I need one too!!!! Glad you are having an wonderful spring break with your family. Enjoy!

    1. Suzanne, You are so kind. Kinder is the best right! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Enjoy your Easter Weekend!


  8. Today is day one of my break and I am so looking forward to it! I hear ya on the magic wand - my house is a mess and I have lots of projects, luckily I think my mom will be staying with me for some of the week to help me get stuff done, since I'm moving slower than normal! She is like a magic wand!
    Have a great rest of your break and a great April!
