
Mar 1, 2015

March Currently

Hey gang, can you believe it is March already?  I think I say that almost every month.  Where does the time go?? Well it is time to join Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her Currently, one of my favorite linky’s.

Listeningmy boys are watching the Walking Dead and I am not paying attention, but blogging.  I know this will probably be unpopular, but I have just never really gotten into the show.

Lovingmy new truck.  I actually have had it for 2 weeks now and it is wonderful.  My old suburban had 290,000 miles on it and it was having motor issues.  It still looked great, since the hubby owns an auto body repair shop and he had painted it last year for me. But, after thinking about it we decided to get something new.  My only request was leather heated seats, I loved having those in my suburban, but other than that I really didn’t care what we ended up with.  We decided on a truck so that we could ride in comfort to the races.  It is like a luxury car on the inside.  I have a new favorite feature besides the leather heated seats, the Bluetooth for my phone.  I love just being able to say “call Roger”.   

ThinkingI can’t wait for Wednesday.  We are leaving for our annual family vacation.  We are taking our boys to the NASCAR race in Las Vegas for 6 days.  I know they miss school and I miss school.  But we don’t get to pick the dates that they hold the race.  This will be our 9th year and it is always a blast!

WantingI spent all day yesterday finishing up my report cards and prepping for conferences.  I have 20 conferences smashed into Monday and Tuesday from 1-4pm each day.  I just want them to be OVER!  I am dreading having to tell a few parents that their kiddo may not quite be ready to move on in June.  I hate that part.  I do love though, when I get to tell a parent how much progress their child has made. I think the other reason I want them to be over is because I know once I finish we are hitting the road for VEGAS!!

NeedingI have to finish up my sub plans for our trip.  I am a little, ok a lot OCD about my sub plans.  I leave VERY detailed plans.  Like 3-4 pages per day that I am gone and about a zillion sticky notes on books, binders, etc.  One of our new teachers subbed for me last year and teases me that my plans are the best because they give minute by minute directions.  I just want my kiddos to feel comfortable and that it is just like when I am there. I stress out about missing, even though it is just this one time for the whole year.

Spring Break Plans...We don’t start spring break until March 30th.  So we have 4 weeks to go.  I will be taking it easy for the most part.  In between relaxing and hanging out with my boys I do have some organization items I would like to cross of my listreorganize the linen closet, clean out the boys drawers from winter and give the clothes that no longer fit to our local church thrift store. With the incredibly fast rate the boys have been growing lately we end up giving away stuff that is almost like new often times.  I also want to reorganize my classroom library.  I know it is going to be a super exciting week! I so live on the edge!

Be sure to check out all the other great currently posts.  What are you “Currently” up to? I would love to read your thoughts and comments!  Make it a great week friends!


  1. Hi Laura,
    You didn't offend me - I am probably one of the few who have never watched Walking Dead. I am not very interested in zombies. Congratulations on your new truck! It is always exciting to get something new. I also have spring break on the 30th - four weeks! We can do it!


  2. Hi Laura!

    Where in CA are you from?? I road tripped it to Vegas last year. It was fun! Can you pack me in your suitcase? I want to go to Vegas so badly. :) You are going to have a blast!!!!

    Hooo-Ray For Teaching

    1. I am from central CA. I live in a little farm town, Riverdale. If I didn't have so much junk in my suit case I might have been able to fit you Thanks for your sweet comments and have a great week!


  3. Hello - I have never watched nor felt the need to watch The Walking Dead. Congrats on the truck - I love my bluetooth! Absolutely love it! Heated seats are definitely on the list for my next vehicle! I also leave crazy detailed sub plans - it's gonna be tough to leave general outlines for my maternity leave, but I figure I won't probably won't be worried about it once baby arrives!
    Thanks for sharing - have a great month!

  4. Have a wonderful time on your vacation, that sounds like a fun tradition. I have not gotten into The Walking Dead either, so you are not alone. ;) Good luck with conferences and sub plans! They will be over before you know it and then you will be off for some fun and relaxation. :)

  5. I'm the exact same way with sub plans!! I know they will be ok deep down.. but I want to make sure that it is as clear and organized as it can be! Enjoy your NASCAR trip!!

    A Pinch of Kinder

    1. My thoughts exactly with the sub plans! Thanks for taking the time to comment! Have a great week!


  6. Hi Laura,

    I like the quote from your banner. My sister is obsessed with Walking Dead too. So much so that she doesn't delete the recordings after she has already watched the episodes. It is currently taking up a lot of my DVR space >=(

    A LoveLi Class

  7. I love the Walking Dead - teehee. But, I can see how it is not for everyone. I am JUST like you with my sub plans. It takes me forever to prep for a sub.
    Suzanne @Kindergarten Planet

  8. Hey Laura! I am right there with you about sub plans. Mine are many, many pages long with detailed directions about everything. I leave messages about students to watch out for and what to expect. I rarely miss days, but when I do it takes me a week to get ready! So, is your husband's name Roger?
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  9. LEATHER HEATED SEATS?! Ahhhh.... How awesome! I have bluetooth, too- and it totally spoils me. Oh my gosh I want to hear all about your trip! We have the same Spring Break, too. I'm looking forward to that...
    Oh I have to laugh at Carol's comment above- because I thought it would be funny if you wrote back, "No... my husband's name isn't Roger." Hahaha
    XOX Carolyn

  10. Wow! Fancy car! Heated seats are not really required in Australia, but would be fun to have for the couple of months were it was a little cold! (No snow here though!). I hope your conferences went well - it is never fun having THAT discussion with parents, however, it's better that they find out now rather than further down the road!
    Hopefully you can relax over the weekend!
    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  11. Zombies are not my thing, either. Luckily, my husband feels the same way. When the commercials come on, we both make faces! :)
    How was VEGAS? I love that city. We go every spring as well with some old college friends, but missed last year as I was 8 months pregnant (and that's no fun in Vegas!). We're going in the middle of May. Where do you stay? We love the Aria. When we get back I'll only have 2 weeks of school left! :)
