
Feb 4, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

I am linking up with MissDeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday

I know I am kind of breaking the rules.  This is technically more than one picture.  But since it is one collage I thought I could sneak it inlol

This week we our close read is the non-fiction book Penguins.  We talk about vocabulary, two essential questions and finding evidence in our text to support our answers. If you teach Kindergarten and would like to give this one a try it is a free resource from Tara West over at Little Minds at Work and you can get it here.  Do you do close reading in your class?  If so what do you like or dislike about it?

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the linky to see all the other Wordless Wednesday  pics.  Enjoy the rest of your week friends!


  1. Hey Laura, Just stopping by to say I added you to my blog roll :) See you around. Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

  2. Laura, I love this activity! I'm going to try it with my kids. We do nonfiction soon. Your kids are such AWESOME writers! So neat! And... a collage TOTALLY counts as only one picture. :)
    Thanks for sharing this idea!

    1. Thanks for validating that it qualifies as one I am sure your kids will enjoy it. Have a great week!

