
Jan 14, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Today I am linking up with Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice for her Wordless Wednesday.

Today we were rockin’ our literacy centers.

I was so proud of my littles for working independently.  Do you do literacy centers? Do you do Daily 5? What do you like about what you use and what would you like to change?

I would love to read your comments and thoughts.  Be sure to go check out all the other wordless Wednesday pics!


  1. I love when everyone is on task! I work with a tutoring group and would love to do daily five, just trying to design a format that would work for the tutors.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!


  2. Wow! Your kiddos look super! How many literacy centers do you have going at a time?
    ~ Kelly
    Lattes and Lunchrooms

    1. I like to have my kiddos work in partners independently rather than in groups as I think it keeps them on track better and the noise down. So I have a group of 4-6 with me, my Para has a group of 4-6 and the others are in partners at one of 10 centers. They each see me, my Para and do 2 centers a day, so by Friday they have done all the centers. This may sound like a lot but, 4 of them are the same every week...writing center, silent reading, poetry and listening center. I really only have to prep for 6 each week. I am a bit of a control freak so they don't choose their centers they are assigned each day so that everyone completes them all. I know a lot of people say let them choose, I just can't seem to let go of the Hope that all made sense.


  3. They're so engaged. I do literacy centers in my 3rd grade class. I don't do Daily 5, but I did use the Daily 5 approach to teaching students to "read to self". My centers tend to be spiral review with grammar concepts and editing (things students always need more practice with). I do have several word work activities and fluency activities that are also incorporated. Your word work activities look great. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great Friday and a restful weekend.
    Laughter and Consistency
