
Dec 3, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Class Elf

I am joining Miss Decarbo for her fun linky Wordless Wednesday. Can you believe there are only 5 Wednesdays left in 2014? Where has the time gone.  Anywho...on with the linky

We have a special visitor in our class for the month of December...

This is our elf, Chippy.  He came in a special delivery on Monday in a super cold box direct from the North Pole.  This morning he decided to try to hide from the kiddos in my pen holder on the side of my file cabinet.  Do you have a class elf?  I would love to hear all about it.  What is his/her name?  

Be sure to check out all the other wordless Wednesday posts.  Have a great week friends!


  1. I don't have a class elf, but I am toying with the idea of doing a variation with a snowman or something like that. We aren't allowed to do any holidays so elves, Santa, and all the like are out unfortunately. However I love reading and seeing all the other teacher bloggers' ideas! Maybe I will think of something! Can't believe how fast December goes!

    1. The snowman sounds like a good idea! We are lucky. Santa even comes on the last day before vacation and takes pictures with all the kids.Thanks for taking the time to comment.

