
Dec 7, 2014

December Currently

What? What? It is already December 7th.  How did that happen? Well, it is more than a little late, but as my mama always said...Better late than never!  So I am finally linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for her Currently.

Listening~Hubby has the football game on while he's watching napping and I am blogging.  But, believe me when I say if I changed that channel he would wake up in a hot  Oh well.  It is not that I don't like football.  In fact I was a cheerleader all through high school and even for two years in college.  But, I like to be at the games LIVE, not so much on TV.  It is just not the same.

Loving~The Christmas season.  The decorations, the extra time with family, the songs....I love it all! One of my favorite months of the year!

Thinking~Oh my goodness...we only have 7 1/2 days of school until Christmas break.  Where did the time go.  I will miss not seeing my kinders for 3 weeks, but boy am I gonna make every minute of my break count.

Wanting~This time of year is just so busy and my house just tends to fall apart.  Who I am kidding that kind of happens even when it is not this time of year. I would love a cleaning if you know of one send them my way.  I figure the laundry is done, we have hot meals, my family knows I love them the rest will be ok.  

Needing~I must get started on my Christmas baking. We don't buy gifts for the adults with our extended family only the kiddos.  But several years ago I began making "homemade goodie" bags for each family.  It is usually pumpkin bread, granola, candied walnuts, and several kinds of cookies. They were already asking at Thanksgiving... "We are still getting our goodie bags this year right" I need to get going on these.  I also was thinking of making them for our staff at school this year.  Just scaled down a bit since that will be an additional 15 bags.  Wish me luck.  Thank goodness baking is a labor of love for me.

Giving~I am trying to impress upon my class and my own children the importance of giving unselfishly to others.  So in class we are doing cards for the kitchen, office and maintenance staff. We are also making cards for the sick children at a nearby children's hospital in our area.  At home we are volunteering at a local homeless shelter to serve food.  We usually do it twice a year. Then we are passing out food bags to the elderly in our community at the local church brown bag program.  It helps them see how good they really have it.

Hope you are enjoying your holiday season.  Best wishes to you all!  I love to read your comments so leave me some love.  Also be sure to check out Farley's linky to see the other currently posts.


  1. I love all of your RAKs! I have my kids make cards for kids in the children's hospital too! I found a coloring page type card online that I have them color so I don't have to worry about what to write. Just an idea. ;)

    Have a wonderful holiday season! I'm giving away 2 Christmas units if you're looking for something new! :)
    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  2. Hi there! I love your blog! I also love your idea of a cleaning fairy. That would be so helpful year-round! I am intrigued by RAKs. I really want to incorporate this idea into my classroom. Happy Holidays!

    1. If I find that cleaning fairy I'll send her your way Have a great holiday! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.


  3. You are one busy person!!! HEY- let's both get a cleaning fairy. Sounds good to me! You have 3 weeks off?! That is so awesome! We go until... DECEMBER 23! ALL DAY LONG that day... :( Ugh. You are teaching your kids so many wonderful things about giving and doing for others- they will never forget it! Have fun baking! :)
