
Nov 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday- Yum! Yum!

Today I am linking up once again with Christina over at Sugar and Spice for her Wordless Wednesday.  

Do you pack a lunch?  Eat the school lunch?  Hit the drive through?

Here was my lunch today, while I checked off homework folders, of course.  We are totally spoiled. Our school Cook makes some of the best lunches. Homemade grilled chicken fajitas, whole wheat tortillas (don't tell the kids), and re-fried beans, sans lard. She rocks!  Last week for our special pot luck on Friday we even got homemade tortillas from scratch! I usually have a protein bar or shake, but I have to splurge every once in a while.

What does your lunch look like? Do you relax? Do you work through it?  I would love to read your comments and thoughts.  Also be sure to check out the linky to see all the other Wordless Wednesday posts.



  1. I usually pack my lunch and love taking salads! I also love a little snack of trail mix - one of my favorites! I eat in the faculty room with my team during lunch. Sounds like you have a great school cook!

    1. I love trail mix too. I keep a box of snacks in my room, that has some dark chocolate for That's nice to eat with your team.


  2. Ninety percent of the time I have a vanilla greek yogurt with this new cereal I've found from Good LIfe that has Chia and Flax. It is REALLY good in yogurt-- great, little round crunchies. And I'll have a piece of fruit, too. Lunch prep needs to be brainless. The other ten percent of the time is leftovers from the weekend or dinner the night before. And yes, I work through lunch. See ya, Kathleen
    Kidpeople Classroom

    1. That cereal sounds good I will have to see if I can find it. Left overs? What's We have 3 teenage boys, so I don't usually have any leftovers. I am always hopeful, but it doesn't seem to work out. I guess I need to learn to cook bigger portions so I will have some.


  3. P.S You are LUCKY beyond belief to have freshly made food IN THE BUILDING!!! Wow!
    Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  4. I do a little of both. I look at the menu at the beginning of the month and pick out my favorites and then bring my lunch (if I don't forget it sitting in the fridge at home) the other days.
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond
