
Nov 30, 2014

Sunday Scoop & a Sale!

I am linking up today with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop, for just a quick look at what's happening. Check out the linky to see what everyone else is up to today, after you read mine of

First up 3 things I have to do...

1-I have my basic outline for the entire year week by week already set up, but I need to sit down and fill in the details on my lesson plans and make sure I have all of my materials ready to printed and laminated.  I think almost all of you can relate and do some form of planning on 

2-I need to head over to school and spend about an hour putting things away and putting out my new centers for this coming week in my classroom.  I usually do this on Friday before I leave, however with the holiday I rushed out of there last Wednesday to get to the train station to pick up my oldest son, who came home from college for the Thanksgiving holiday. (Total run on sentence I

3-With all of our family celebrations over the past several days I have gotten a little behind on my laundry and dishes...the story of my life it seems...I need to get those tackled so I can enjoy the rest of the day.

Next 2 things I hope to do...

1-I usually put my Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving, but we had a few extra celebrations to attend this year and I haven't had a chance to get to it yet.  So I hope to do it this afternoon while all the boys are hanging around and can help.

2-I ate WAY too much for the holiday.  I hope to find 30 min to jump on the treadmill and do a couple of miles. I know I will feel so much better afterward.

The thing I am happy to do...

We are heading out this evening for a dinner with all our boys before our oldest heads back to college in the morning.  We are going to one of our favorite restaurants...P.F.Changs.  I can already taste those lettuce wraps...yum, yum!

Finally, I am sure you have heard about the big Cyber Monday/Tuesday sale at TPT.  

Well I am joining in on the fun too!  My store will be 20% off, Monday and Tuesday.  Plus if you enter code TPTCYBER you can get an additional 8 % off.  I am loading up my kart this evening! Thanks to the 3AM Teacher for this super cute graphic!

Have a great week friends and happy shopping! 


I love to read your comments. I like to respond by email, so be sure you are not a no-reply blogger so I can reply!


  1. Hi Laura!
    I totally agree about the working out. I put a similar thing in my post. It's actually a nice reminder to post about it to give myself a little "kick" to get it going. It sounds like you had a great holiday with your family. I love your little "My Picks" section at the bottom of your page.

    Ms. Pretzel's Super 2nd Graders

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I totally agree if I write it down I am more likely to get it I have been meaning to update the "My picks" thanks for the reminder. Now they show my December picks.


  2. I don't exercise much, but I walk to school everyday so I keep convincing myself that that's a form of exercise ;D
    Mme Gauthier's French Class

    1. Walking to school totally counts in my book!

