
Oct 19, 2014

Sunday Scoop

Today I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop.  A quick fun linky to just check in with what is happening.

3 Things I have to do

I have seen a recurring theme between myself and so many other bloggers that Sunday is laundry today, and today is no exception.  I will admit that since my oldest left for college it has been less to do, but it is still not my favorite thing.

Friday was a major craftivity day in class.  We had races to get toso the minute the kiddos were delivered to the bus I grabbed my bags, yes plural I may have a bag problem, and I hit the road.  That means there are glitter spider webs and word family spiders that were drying laying out on all of my tables.  Plus the craft supplies are all still out on my kidney table.  So I have to run over, well I will probably drive it is a little too far to run, and straighten things up.  I have all of my upcoming centers in my bins ready to go I just need to switch them out .  I usually don’t like to leave Friday unless I am ready to go for Monday, but sometimes it just can’t be helped.

I have been committed to eating healthier.  Well when I get home during the week I am so tired that if I am not prepared I will end up eating something that I really shouldn’t.  So I need to get my menu planned and printed for the week that way I can keep on track.

2 Things I hope to do

I want to find at least 45 minutes to spend on the treadmill.  I always feel so much better after getting a little exercise.  Even if I am tired I know I will feel less tired if I get moving.  It doesn’t make sense I know.

In total contrast and contradiction to the walking,  I also hope to take a naplol.  It has been a long and busy weekend and I just feel like if I could squeeze in even a 30 minute power nap I could get through my above items so much easier.
The Thing I am Happy to do

MY oldest is home for the weekend to visitreally he has an orthodontist appoint in the morning, but I can think he came home just to see me right.  Anywho, we are having family dinner night with EVERYONE.  That means aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa, great-grandma, cousinsyou get the picture.  We are a pretty close family.  I am not the only one excited that Beau is home for a visit.  They all wanted to say hi and see how college was going.  So we will have a fun evening of food and fellowship.

What are you up to this Sunday?  I would love to hear.  Also don’t forget to enter on my blogpost  from Friday to win my new Spiders Galore centers.  I will be letting my son pick a winner tonight.  Have a great week friends!



  1. Enjoy your family dinner and naps! Glittery spiders webs and spiders sound fun - bet they'll look great in your room!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. I need to get back to the gym!!! Hope you had a great dinner!!!

  3. Your blog is really fantastic! I love your ideas :)
    That is why I've nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    You can learn more about it here:
