
Aug 1, 2014

August Currently

Can you believe that it is August already. What? My days of vacation are numberedand that number is very small.

Today I am linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4thgrade for her Currently. Just a quick peek at what is going on with me.

This morning I am listening to the quiet.  Just sipping my coffee and spending a little mom time on the computer, on one of my last days of summer vacation.

Loving that we will be spending the weekend at one of my favorite placesPismo Beach.  We went just for the day a few weeks ago, but it just wasn’t enough.  So we are spending one of our last weekends of vacation soaking up the sand and sun and spending some quality family time together. 

Thinking, where has the summer gone.  Has it flown by for anyone else?? I can’t believe in just a few short days it will be over.  We have had some family fun. I attended some great PD training.  I have had the chance to relax and recharge a little and now I am ready to meet my new class of kinders.

I am wanting a few more weeks of vacation.  Do we ever really have enough time off?? I know for myself I had a to do list a mile long at the beginning of the summer, and I must admit it is probably still a half mile long.  I did get some things checked off.  In fact I managed to get quite a few classroom craft projects checked off my listbut my list of home jobs didn’t fare so well.  I guess that shows where my priorities arelol.  I was also able to make some great memories with my boys, which are the most important things anyway!

I am sooo needing to get my room finished and my lesson plans complete.  I am about 75% done with my room.  I am really loving how it is coming along.  I will be sharing lots of photos next week.  I want to change my year-long curriculum map up a bit and switch a few of my units. I hope to work on that some during my 4+ hours riding in the car this weekend to and from the beach. Back to school is such an exciting time and is one of my favorite during the entire year.

For teachers we start back this Wednesday August 6th, then meet the teacher on Thursday the 7th and the first day of school with kiddos is on August 11th.

What have you been up to? I love to ready your comments, so let me know all about it. Don't forget to check out what everyone else is doing over at Farley's.



  1. The summers go by faster each year! I love to spend summers at the beach with my family, they are the best memories. Enjoy your last few days of summer!

  2. Wow you start this week! Enjoy the time this weekend at the beach, let school go while you are there and focus on making memories with your family.
    Enjoy and have a great back to school this week.
    Frampton's FUNdamentals

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh my goodness I'm super jealous of your beach weekend!!!! We did a beach weekend this summer and I never wanted it to end! Enjoy!!! :)
    -Elyse @ A is for Apples

  5. Summer will never be long enough...especially in Michigan!!

    1. I agree I don't think they are ever long enough, no matter where you


  6. Summer has gone by SO fast! Good luck on your first day back!! It is coming up so soon!!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  7. The summer always flies by - I can imagine that you would be enjoying some quiet time on the computer - you probably don't get too many of those!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

    P.S. My home jobs never get done over the holiday breaks either!

    1. You're right...not a lot of quiet time for me. Lol...glad to know I am not the only one behind on my home jobs.


  8. What a great way to end your vacation! I can't believe so many school have the kids come back so soon after teachers do. We have 2 weeks of training before the kiddos come back! I can't wait to get into my room next week and get started! :)

    Not Just Child's Play

    1. I would love to have 2 weeks prep and training. You are so lucky!

