
Jun 8, 2014

Monday Meet Me

I love reading other blogs and getting to know the teachers behind themand since I am fairly new to this whole bloggin’ thing I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to let y’all know a little about myself.  So I am linking up with the gals over at The Teaching Tribune for Monday Meet Up.

I teachI started out in 5th, moved to Jr. High Language arts, took 8 years off to raise babies, I then was subbing to ease back into teachingfor 6 years.  Honestly, I wasn’t sure I wanted to teach full time again, my first priority was my family.  Then last year I was offered a position I couldn’t pass up.  So now I teach Kindergarten at a little rural school near my country home and I love every minute of it.  I am so glad I said yes!

I havea wonderful family and am truly blessed! This year we will have a college student and 2 high schoolers, which makes me realize I am getting old!!

I watchmy boys are big time into racing and I love watching them.  We travel 2-3 weekends a month so that they can race Wing Outlaw Karts.  It is a little nerve racking with them going top speeds of 80 mph.  But, they love it and we get lots of family time together at the track.  I don’t often watch TV, but I enjoy the series The Good Wife.  I didn’t start until the 3rd season.  However, all the beginning seasons are now on Hulu so my oldest son and I are going to watch seasons 1 & 2 this summer. 

I listenI love country music.  I have it on while I’m in the shower, getting ready, driving in my car, working after hours in my classroom.  You get the picture. If I’m not listing to country, the boys, my husband included, usually have some kind of racing or sports on the TV.  So, when I am working on my computer or blog stalking reading I am listening to them in the background.

I readI am a self proclaimed book junkie.  Although, it is almost always a professional development, or motivational type book.  I love John Maxwell, he is one of my favorites.  This summer I am planning on reading 100 Minutes, Next Steps in Guided Reading and Literacy Work Stations. 

I dolove Starbucks!  My favorite drinks are a White Mocha Frappuccino Light or a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher.  I have a serious problem.  I gave up caffeine for a 30 day detox in January and I had to find a new drink, Passion Tea unsweetened, so I could still go to Starbucks, and I always pay with my phone app because I have to earn my stars! 

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments and go link up so we can learn more about you too!



  1. Hi Laura!
    Next Steps in Guided Reading is on my 'to read' list as well.
    Love your blog design :)


    1. We should share ideas and thoughts on the book. Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I LOVE the Good Wife! I plan to read the Next Steps as's been hanging out with me for a few months so it's about time. Welcome to blogging!

    Literacy Spark

    1. Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me to the world of blogging.

  3. Starbucks is the BEST. I LOVE meeting new Kinder teachers. Great blog!

    1. So glad to "meet" a fellow kinder teacher.


  4. Hi Laura,
    Wow - 3 teenage boys?! I bet they eat you out of house & home ;)
    I too LOVE country music! I live in Georgia, so that's kind of a must around here ;)
    Nice to "meet" you!

    The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher

    1. Yes, Lacey, our grocery bill is pretty I visited Georgia several years ago and experienced my first "real" thunderstorm. Nothing like Cali. We saw a Tim McGraw concert there, it was fantastic! So glad you stopped by my lil blog.


  5. I taught Kindergarten for five years. I sometimes miss the littles and all the creativity and patience that comes with being a K teacher. You are brave! I have an unhealthy Starbucks addiction! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. If you would have asked me at the beginning of my teaching career if I would ever teach K I would have told you no But I really do love it and feel like it is where I was meant to be. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I taught kindergarten for 13 years and loved it, Three teenage boys - you are a busy girl!!!
