
Jun 30, 2014

July Currently

Can it be July already...what?? I can't hardly keep the day of the week straight and now it is a new month already.  It is that time again for linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for the July Currently.

Listening to the hubs and my son watch the Bachelorette.  Thank goodness for DVR.  I hate commercialswe often will watch something else that is taped rather than live TV just so we can watch it later and fast forward through the commercialslol.  I am listening, so that I will know what happened for Teeny Tiny’s Talk About it Tuesday.

I am loving my summer breakexcept that it is going by way too fast.  I love not having to set that alarm clock.  Although for the first two weeks I was still waking up at 5:30am no matter what.  Now I have been able to sleep in until 6:30lol.  At least I can take a nap if I need itand the boys will let me.

I am thinking that I can’t wait for the I Teach K conference and Blogger meet up next week.  This will be my first time attending and I am sooo looking forward to it.  It is going to be great learning lots of wonderful techniques and strategies for the classroom as well as meeting and having fun with all the other teachers/bloggers there.  I am flying out Sunday afternoon and I have a ton to get done before I leave! 

Wanting to finish decorating my newly expanded classroom.   If you have been following my blog you already know my room was expanded, so now I have an additional 18’ X 25’, and you're probably sick of hearing about it, sorry.  The extra space is so fantasticbut now I am rushing to try to get it in shape.  I have to teach Kinder Camp for 2 weeks as soon as I get back from Vegas.  I want it to be at least half way organized.  I am however, not totally finishing it because I want there to still be some fun surprises for the kiddos on the first day of school. Like my jungle tree with vines reaching across the room. Sshhh...don't tell!

Needing to paint my bathroom.  We have been remodeling our bathroom forwell too long.  We now have the new tile on the floor, Jacuzzi tub and shower tile all finished.  Now I need to paint the walls and vanity so that they can install the granite top and new sink.  Then we will finally be finished.  I will post pictures when we do get it all together.

Our plans for the 4th are to attend an annual BBQ with some of our closest friends and family.  It is fantastic food including homemade ice creamusually 5-6 different flavors.  Then we all head over to the local high school football field and spread out our blankets and enjoy the fireworks show.  Nothing fancy, but it’s tradition and I can’t imagine it any other way.

What are you currently up to??  I would love to hear all about it!  Be sure check out Farley's link up to read what everyone else is doing.

Blessings for a wonderful week!!



  1. I am so jealous of you for going to Vegas! I reallllyyy wanted to go but it was just not going to happen this year:( How awesome for you getting more space in your classroom! I am sure you will love it! I am moving over Christmas break into a brand new building they are working on! I can't wait! Hope you're having a great summer!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

  2. How did I miss that The Bachelorette started? I love that show. Now I gotta get caught up!

    Extra Special Teaching

  3. I painted this summer too. It has made my whole house feel cleaner and brand new!
    Mrs. Spriggs’ Kindergarten Pond

  4. Laura, I don't know why, but it made me giggle thinking about your son and husband watching The Bachelorette. Are they yelling at the TV? I watched last night, but for some reason I just cannot get into this season. I think I just like The Bachelor better because the girls are so dramatic. Makes me feel normal! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. Extra space sounds fantastic! You are very lucky - this is the first time I have called by your blog, so I am following to keep up to date now! Have a great time in Vegas, very jealous of everyone going!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  6. Sounds like a perfect summer so far! You will have such a great time in Vegas! I wish I were going. :( My goal is NEXT YEAR. But that just seems sad right now. :) Extra space in your room will be FABULOUS!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  7. Enjoy the conference, blogger, meet up and Vegas. What an exciting adventure! Wish I were going too! I can't wait to see how you decorate your new space. :)
