
Jun 13, 2014

Five for Friday and It is Finally Summer!

Woo Hoo!  I am finally on Summer vacation!  This was my first week of vacation and it has seriously flown by.  I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday

Being that I am on summer vaca I didn’t have a whole lot going on this week.  I really just needed a week towellnot do much of anything. 

Monday, I did have to go into school and move all of my furniture in the class on to the linoleum so that the carpets could be cleaned. 

I drug my oldest son with me, actually he was happy to help, to lift the heavy items.  I already had everything packed our last day on Friday, so all we had to do was move and stack.  With the two of us we were done in about 45 minutes.  

I am thrilled to say the ugly yellow wall in my room is coming down this week too!! I have a teeny tiny room and I will now have about an extra 18’ X 10’ of space, and I cannot wait.  Don’t worry I will be sharing the after pictures, later this summer.

Tuesday I did spend the day at a Kindergarten conference with Heidi Butkus aka Heidi Songs.  If you have not heard of her be sure to check her site out.  She gave lots of great tips for integrating music and movement into your classroom.  Research shows that by incorporating more areas of the brain in learning, (seeing, hearing, speaking, moving) the better the retention of what was taught.

I sooo did not like this picture of me with Heidi. In my defense I had been up since 3:45am  to drive to the   All I had with me was my iPhone and I had to ask a stranger to take the photoso this is what I ended up with.

The boys and I made a trip to the city to Hobby Town USA.  No, this is nothing like Hobby Lobbylol.  It is basically a store for big boys toys.  They needed new parts for their remote control cars, not just run of the mill remote control cars.  These have independent suspension, 4 wheel drive, go 45+ mph, you get the picture.  We bought the cars for gifts, but they are responsible for any parts or upgrades. 

We also enjoyed a fun game of A, B, Con the way home. I am pretty competitive and they have yet to beat their motherlol.  When they were younger we made teams and I would help them.  Now it is every man/woman for themselves.  We actually have a lot of fun!  Do you play games in the car with your kids?  What kinds of games? 

I did indulge in one thing just for myself.  I got a much needed pedicure.  It is amazing what just 1 hour to yourself and a Starbucks can do to relax you!

I waited until I got home to snap a pic of my beautiful new toes.  I was afraid if I took it during the pedicure the salon would think I was some sort of lunaticwell sometimes I might be, and no my feet are not dirty, those are tan lines from my favorite sandalslol

Pretty much the rest of the week I spent hanging out with my boys and my fur babies. You've seen the here are my fur babies.  They kept me company while I did some computer work.

This is Mandy, our family dog of 10 years. We got her as a puppy and she was supposed to be a mini dachshunddo you see anything mini about her.  She, like her mama, hasn’t missed any meals.  She weighs about 18 lbs.  According to AKC , mini is under 11 I am pretty sure she doesn't qualify.  Nevertheless we love her to pieces.

Meet Trixie, stray #1, a deer legged chihuahua.  Yes, you are sharp that means there is a #2 Poor thing when she showed up on our porch she was skin and bones.  I even thought she was deformed because her legs bowed out so much when she tried to walk from being malnourished. But, as you can see she is healthy and happy now.  I always wanted a little lap dog and now I have one. Ignore all the mess in the background.  SInce it is my first week of vacation I didn't make the boys clean up after themselves...I know, I know.  But, research has shown that kids who live in a less than perfectly clean home do build up a better immune system...and mine are like never sick...just saying.

Meet Jack, stray #2.  We are such suckers! There must be a sign somewhere that says if you need food and a home go here!  He showed up at my hubby’s shop in the winter of 2013.  Poor guy was hungry and freezing, so of course my hubs brought him home.  As you can see he is quite at home nowlol.  

Have a fantastic weekend!  I would love to read your thoughts and comments!



  1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can't believe you are going to have an extra 18'x10' space! I am sooo jealous :) Looks like your summer is off to a great start! Enjoy your time off, oh and I am your newest follower!

    Mrs. Masters’ Kinder Love

  2. An extra 18'x10' feet of space sounds amazing! I spent most of the week hanging out with my pup as well. It is very relaxing. If you are interested, I'm hosting Sell It Saturdays today at my blog. I'd love for you to link up!

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  3. What cute dogs! Looks like you had a fun week. Thanks for stopping by my blog a few days ago. I wanted to let you know that you are a "no reply blogger" so that means when people get an email with the comment you left on their blog, they can't write back because your email isn't present. If you google it, you can find some tutorials. Let me know if you need any help!

    Literacy Spark

    1. Jessica,

      Thanks so much for letting me know. I got it all fixed....I


  4. My dachshund Jackson looks just like Mandy! He's not little either, but that's because he eats too much.
    The Meek Moose

    1. Heather,

      I think that is a pattern with

