
May 25, 2014

Five for Funday!

Happy Saturday Sunday to ya’ll. (I started this post Saturday, but got a massive migraine, probably brought on in part by a lack of sleep this week, and had to wait until this morning to finish it.)  Can I just say 8 more days!! Woo Hoo!  Don’t get me wrong I love my kiddos and I am actually really gonna miss them, but I am sooo ready for a break.  Not to mention my perfect students, Ha! Ha!,  have been bouncing off the walls this past week.  I think they are ready for a break too! 

I am here to share my week by linking up with Five for Funday!

First, we have been doing our Countdown to Summer. Each day we tear off a link of our chain and we get to do whatever fun activity is listed.  The kiddos have been so excited for this every morning to see what we will get to do.    

Our first activity was Sidewalk Chalk.

As you can see I have some real artists.  They had a blast.

Our second activity was Popsicle Day.  They thought this was soo cool.

Our Third countdown day was extra Go Noodle time.  My class is just loving Go Noodle.  If you haven’t checked it out you really should. 
I didn't get any pics, since my iPhone doesn’t take good action shots and they were all pretty blurry!

Friday we had staff appreciation Day.  Our students left at 12noon and our School Board had a super lunch for us. 

Isn’t this vase of flowers just too cute.  Plus I am really loving my Starbucks gift card.

I also gave a special gift to my paraprofessionals.  They really are fantastic and I wanted to let them know just how much I appreciate them. 

I made these super cute chocolate dipped fortune cookies.  They were pretty easy to do.  Melt chocolate, dip in chocolate, then dip in sprinkles and let dry.

Then I put them in the Chinese takeout containers with a cute note:  “I am so fortunate to have you as my paraprofessional.  Thanks for all you do.” I had seen super cute chinese boxes in the Target dollar spot before I came across this idea, but of course when I went back they were all gone.  So I had to settle for plain white ones. This cute idea was thanks to Teachery Tidbits  who did this same thing for her room moms.  I then included an amazon gift card to top it off.

Finally the highlight of my week was my oldest son’s High School graduation on Friday night.  I am one proud mama.  But, boy am I feeling old now!   

Here is Beau giving his Valedictorian speech.

The whole family after the graduation ceremony. Can you tell my oldest hates taking pictures!!  What a  I can’t get over how big all of my boys are getting.  Not to mention I have on 4” wedge heels or I would look even shorter.  Where does the time go.

Have a great long weekend! 



  1. Laura, your son was valedictorian? WOW! You are obviously one super mom and all of your children (school kids included) are lucky to have you!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

    1. Irene, thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, he was Valedictorian and I can't take the credit. He did all the hard work. I just taught him you can achieve what ever you set your mind to, with hard work and determination.

