
Jan 5, 2014

I am taking the plunge

Into the blogging world that is.  I just love stalking reading other teachers blogs and getting fabulous ideas. I have grown so much as a teacher as a result of the blogging community. 

I have been considering starting my own blog for quite some time now, but I just wasn’t sure where to begin.  What should it look like?? What will I write about?? Will I have any followers??  Well I decided to just jump in with both feet and worry about all those things as they come up. 

As if you couldn’t figure out from my blog name (duh) I teach Kindergarten, and I love it!  It isn’t where I started out in teaching but it is where I ended up and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  You can find out more about me and my family on the tab above.

So vacation is about over, (sad face), I will admit I missed my little kiddos, but I am not looking forward to that alarm going off at 5:00am every morning.  I still have a few days to pull it all together, we start back on Thursday this week.  I am planning away so I will be ready when those 21 energetic 5 year olds arrive bright and early and ready to learn.

This week we will be doing lots of reviewingprocedures, letter names and sounds, procedures, number sense, procedures.  Do you see a pattern here?  I know that in those wonderful 3 weeks of vacation my kiddos have forgotten some of our classroom rules, not to mention I am getting 2 new students, so we will be starting from the beginning sort of.

I will back later this week with some pictures of what we will be up to.  I am off to print, cut, laminate, cut and repeatlol. 

I am also linking up with Simply Kinder since I am a newby.  There are some fantastic blogs linking up!

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