
Feb 15, 2016

PD in your PJ's

Have you heard of Periscope? Well,  if you haven't you owe it to yourself to check it out! It is a fun and easy way to get some great PD from anywhere. You can view live broadcasts from some of your favorite bloggers and teachers on any number of subjects.  I am excited to be linking up with some other fantastic bloggers to share why I love it and some suggestions of who you might want to follow.

So are you intrigued?...Let's get going...You can get started in just a few simple steps.
(1) Download the Periscope app. 

(2) Make an account.  Here is mine, luvmykinders, come give me a follow.

(3) Search for accounts to follow. Just click in the search box, see the red box on my pic, and start typing who you are looking for.

Ashley Schroeder and Angie Olson did a fantastic blog post with 25 tips to getting started on Periscope, be sure to check it out. Be sure to follow them on Periscope too, just so many fantastic ideas from the two of them.

Why do I love Periscope? It is easy to find quality content to improve my teaching craft at my convenience, while I'm getting ready in the morning, lounging with my coffee on a Saturday morning anytime or anywhere. You can connect with other teachers from all over the United States and Beyond.  Lastly, it's just plain fun!

Once you are signed up the app will notify you when someone you are following is broadcasting live. You can jump on if it is a good time for you, and the topic sounds interesting. The great thing about joining the live broadcasts are that you can comment and ask questions. But, if you can't join live, no worries. You can go back and watch the replays for 24 hours. In addition, most Periscopers have an account on where you can view past videos so that you don't miss a thing. One of the advantages of the replays is that I can watch them when I'm getting ready in the morning, or I have a few minutes while I'm waiting to pick up my boys, you name it. You can even fast forward and rewind in the replays which is really great if you are trying to take notes. Others even post them on youtube.

I am still new to posting my own videos. I will be honest I was a total nervous wreck the first time. The second time was a bit better, I know the more I do them the better they will get. Here is my latest Periscope on how we use flexible seating in our classroom. (Just click on the picture to view)

You can find me on under luvmykinders or just click HERE. This is where you will be able to view all the replays of my current and future scopes.

There are so many fantastic "scopers" to follow. Here are just a few of my favorites. For a huge variety of PD I love iteachtvnetwork. This is one channel that is facilitated by Shelia Jane, she has a personal channel that is great too, where there are a number of teachers and trainers who have specific times that they scope on a variety of topics each week.

If you want some great Literacy ideas for primary grades, I suggest Brooke Brown. She also has a ton of great STEM ideas. Brooke is just so sweet and totally gives practical ideas and tips.

For reading strategies, I love Jen Jones of Hello Literacy. She is a national trainer and has so many fantastic ideas.

I have 1/1 iPads in my room and am always on the look out for great new apps and ways to integrate them whenever I can. If you are interested in tech you must follow Kami Butterfield of Teaching with App-itude. She is a wealth of knowledge and she is funny too!

I am always looking for ways to up my game and make things as exciting as possible for my students. I am sure you have already heard of Hope King, she is one I also follow. Well,  Kinderbrations has taken inspiration from her and are doing some fantastic room flips. They are really stepping up their game and I love seeing how they are adapting things to their kinder classroom. Way to go girls!

There are so many more that I follow, I could go on and on. Head back over to the link up to get some more fantastic teachers to follow and jump on the Periscope train. It is the up and coming way to get PD that you are interested in, even when you are wearing your pajamas.


  1. There are a couple scopers on here I didn't know about so thank you for sharing!
    Reading and Writing Redhead

    1. Bex,

      So glad to hear that you found a few new scopers to follow. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it! Have a great week!


  2. Love seeing another room with the flexible seating and see the different ways to organize materials and manage it all! Thanks so much!

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