
Oct 4, 2015

October Currently

Since School started, this poor little blog has been greatly neglected. I think I am finally getting ahead of the game and am hoping to get back to a steady schedule. I love linking up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for her Currently so I figured that would be a great way to jump back in.

October is one of my favorite months and this is what is Currently happening.

Listening...We had a busy weekend of racing so now that we are relaxing a bit the boys are all watching the Nascar race from earlier today on the DVR. 

Loving...that it has cooled off a bit. I was actually able to wear a sweatshirt most of the day today! I am ready for the cool down, I am so over 90+ degree weather when it is supposed to be fall.

Thinking...Only 5 more days until fall break. I am READY for a little down time. I do have a list a mile long of things I want to accomplish, but I do plan on a day trip to the beach and a spa day, the rest we will just have to wait and see.

Wanting...A Ventil PSL. With all this warm weather I just can't drink hot coffee after 9am. So I have only had the Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino. With the sprinkles in the air today and the cool breeze I am really wanting a hot PSL. But I can't justify the 30 minute drive to town just for a coffee. Maybe tomorrow.

Needing...To do meal prep. I NEED to get on board with my healthy eating and I know the best way to do that is to be prepared. I took the first step today by making my menu for the week and now I just need to pick up my ingredients and get to it!

Boo-tiful...I just love getting a fresh mani and pedi. Living with a house full of boys I don't do many girly things. So I love getting a little time to myself and enjoy feeling pampered. It makes me feel beautiful looking at pretty sparkly nails and toes.

Be sure to head back over to Farley's and see what everyone else is up to! Have a great week friends!


  1. You probably thought posting currently on the 4th meant you would be last huh? well nope, I'm posting mine on the 5th! Ummm... where did September go? I'm looking forward to a mini-break of my own this weekend as we have no school on Monday! woot woot! Have a great October!

  2. Hey Laura! I have been an awful blogger lately and I am trying to get caught up on reading and visiting bloggy friends! I have tried the pumpkin spice latte and it is good, but I want to try the toasted graham one soon! Hope your fall break is really fun!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

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