
Jul 2, 2015

July Currently

I am excited to be able to join Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for July Currently. I was so disappointed I missed it last month. It has just been a little cray, cray around here! 

Listening...the quiet. Honestly sometimes with a house of 3 teenage boys you just need a little quiet. None of the boys are up yet and hubby already headed off to the shop so I am enjoying the silence, before the real craziness of the day starts.

Loving...My new Macbook pro. I actually have had it for almost 4 months, but I have been dragging my feet about transferring over all my files, learning power point for the Mac (it is slightly different), just figuring it all out. Well the end of last week I decided I wasn't putting it off an longer and I have to say that now I am LOVING (big puffy heart) it! I have always been a PC girl, but no more.

Thinking...My to do list is getting out of control, like seriously, to the point of stressing me out a bit. I check 1-2 things off and 4-5 other things are added. It I am not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. I will be gone the first week of July, then teach Kinder camp for weeks 2 & 3, then we report back to school for teacher work days on August 5th. Really?? I had all these grand plans, paint the bathroom and my oldest sons bedroom, clean out my wash room, work on several items for my TpT store, reorganize some cabinets in my class. Not to mention the day to day around the house items, bookkeeper for my husbands business, go the track to watch my son race 2-3 weekends a month, anywho you get the picture. I am over it! I am going to enjoy the little time I do have for summer with my boys and the rest I'll get to it, when I get to it! Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

Wanting...Planner stickers. I am really loving my new personalized EC planner. I had one last year too, but I just wrote my appointments and to do's in it, I didn't use any stickers. Well I have been seeing all these IG posts with these adorable stickers and I have decided I have to have some. So I have been browsing ETSY shops, which is impeding the progress of my To do List as well, lol. I have serious ADD. 

Needing...To get my cr** together. I think this really deserves no explanation after my rant on my to do list, and yes I have not even begun to pack for Vegas. Just keepin' it real here people!

All star...I think I am really good at Listening. I mean don't get me wrong I do like to talk, but I feel like I am a good listener without any judging or sharing of what is told to me. I am happy to give you my opinion if you want it, but that is not necessary. So if you need an ear, I am here!

Hope you all have a wonderful July! Now hope on over and check out all the other great posts in the link up!


  1. I had grandiose plans for the summer as well. Painting was on the list and how many rooms have I completed - zilch! Here's to both of us getting our cr** together!

  2. I hear you on the whole macbook issue! I bought a macbook air last April. I loved using it for day to day things, didn't starting doing my TpT stuff on there until a few months back. It takes so much getting used to swapping over to keynote etc. but once you're used to it, it's soo much quicker! Good luck with your To-Do list!

    Teaching Autism

    1. Yes, it is different, but you are right many of the things are much quicker. I bought power point for Mac, I tried the keynote and just couldn't get it together. Thanks, I am gonna need some luck if I plan to finish that list, lol. Enjoy your weekend!


  3. I have always been a Mac girl! You will love it!! I hear ya on the to-do-list. I feel like there is so much that I need to do that I stress and then get nothing done. Have a great time in Vegas and enjoy the rest of summer!


  4. I think it is so funny how that to do list grows. I always have grand plans, too...but time gets by you and then...yikes the list is to long and I give up. I would love to go to Vegas...It is on my bucket list...but so is helping my two oldest with college. Hope you come back with great ideas. I will stop back to see if you have any to share:)

    Renee at The Science School Yard

    1. I hear ya on the college kids. We have one in college right now, and two more that will start over the next 4 years. Thank goodness our oldest worked really hard and got quite a few scholarships for his first year, it is going to be a lot tougher this year. I will definitely be sharing al the great things I learn in Vegas. Enjoy your weekend!


  5. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Mac! The only thing I can complain about is sometimes it hurts my eyes if I'm at the computer for too long. I thought it was my eyes and went to the eye doctor for a new prescription, but my eyes had not changed at all. I finally narrowed it down to my Mac. Get to packing!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  6. I'm listening to my quiet house, too. I love drinking coffee and checking my blog before the kids wake up. :)
    Mrs.B's Classroom Adventures

  7. HI, Laura!
    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Head on over to my blog to read all about it and to create your own post!
    Very Perry Classroom
