
May 2, 2015

May Currently

How can it be May already? I think I say that every month... It is time to refocus, regroup and survive, 24 more days that is. The start of a new month also means it is time to join one of my favorite linkys Currently with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade.

Listening...What can I say, if we are not the race track there is racing on the tube if the boys are home. Such is life with a house of all boys.

Loving...this beautiful sunshine.  It has been in the high 80's here. Just perfect. 

Thinking...I can not believe we only have 24 days of school left.  This year has just flown . I am looking forward to a break this summer, but boy am I gonna miss this group of kiddos!

Wanting...A massage.  I have a gift certificate that I have been wanting to take advantage of, for the last 8 months, and I have not been able to find the time to go.  I need a break so I am scheduling the appointment this week!

Needing...I am sure I have said this a time or two, or five or ten.  With this beautiful warm weather it means no bulky sweaters or jackets to hide behind.  I need to get to the gym, like yesterday!

Summer yes, hopes, dream...Well I am super excited to be going to the I Teach K conference and the TpT conference in Vegas this summer.  I can't wait.  I hope to go to the beach for at least a week. The beach is one of my favorite places to be.  We always take a few weekend trips during the summer, but I am hoping to talk the hubby into a full week! Dreaming... we have hard wood floor in all of our house except the master bedroom.  Our carpet is 20+ years old.  Yes you read that right.  We keep saying we are going to put the wood in our bedroom too and I am sooo dreaming we can get to that this summer. 

Thanks for stopping by and I love to read your comments, so leave me some love.  Then be sure to head back to Farley's and check out all the other Currently's. Have a great May!


  1. I hope you manage to get that massage in this week, at this time of the school year I think we are all ready for one of those! I am so envious of all the posts I am seeing from people who are going to Vegas for the TpT conference. I hope I can manage to go next year. :)

  2. I am loving that sunshine too!! We went out today! It was awesome! I will be in Vegas too! Maybe we will meet each other.

  3. I also need to go to the gym, ASAP. I hope I get to see and meet some of you awesome bloggers and the Vegas conference!

    I am your newest follower!

    Janice @

  4. Okay Laura and Lynn (Camping Teacher)- we seriously have to meet in Vegas! In the meantime I am off this coming Friday and I think I will schedule a facial after reading that you are wanting a massage! Have a great 24 days with the littles!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  5. A few years ago we took up the carpet in every room except the bedrooms and relaced it with wood floors. I am so regretting not doing the bedroom floors too! I went to Vegas last year. It was a blast!
    Also, I nominated your blog for an award. You can check out the details here:

  6. HI Laura! Happy to hear you are going to Vegas, and hoping you are going next year, too... cause it will take me that long to get there :) Just can't swing it this year. Hope to finally meet you in the flesh. I'm sure you'll post all about your trip, and I'll be reading :) See you around. Kathleen

  7. VEGAS!!!!!! Can't wait! And I'm with you on the weather - it is GORGEOUS!!! Nice weather really starts to get me excited about summer! Have a super week!
