
Nov 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday ~ Teacher Treasures!

Hay gang...hope your week is going great!  We are on day 3 of parent teacher conferences and I am almost done, thank goodness.  Today I am linking up with Christina at Sugar & Spice for her fun linky Wordless Wednesday.

Do your kiddos bring you treaures/gifts?  These are the things I have received this week so far...and it is only Wednesday.

A Hello Kitty notepad, a Hello Kitty barrett (not sure when I will wear it), a sea shell, two silk flowers, and a rootbeer flavored dumdum. In past years I got a ton of notes and pictures, but this year I am getting these special little gifts every week. I have such a sweet class this year.  What do your kiddos bring you? What was the strangest thing you ever got?  For me it was a lip gloss that I am pretty sure had been "tested" out  It is the thought that counts. 

Be sure to check out the linky to see all the other great Wordless Wednesdays. Hope the rest of your week is fantastic!



  1. I have this happen once in awhile in my high school classes. I had a student bring me a historical coin last week. I have gotten some books this way too. I always feel bad and refuse the items, but they often persist.Kovescence of the Mind

  2. Too cute! If you don't want the Hello Kitty notepad, I'm sure my 3 year old would love to take it off your hands...oh, and the sucker, too. :) I usually get bruised fruit and Smencils (scented pencils) from my kiddos.
    Literacy Loving Gals

  3. Those "gifts" are so sweet! I actually got homemade banana bread this morning, right out of the blue but usually I get gifts similar to what you posted (lego people, hair clips and rubber bands). I think the weirdest thing I've ever gotten was a little lego head, not the whole lego person, just the head. Too funny!

    1. Homemade banana bread sounds heavenly. Love the lego


  4. Way too cute! My coworker received a picture of a bouquet of flowers...that counts, too. I get tons of hugs and pictures, too. Teaching science...I also get "I love Science!" That is awesome, as well. You are very lucky!

    Renee at The Science School Yard
