
Aug 31, 2014

September Currently

September?? Really?? This year is flying by.  It is time once again to link up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade for this months Currently.

Listeningto the Nascar Sprint cup race on DVR.  We had Sunday night family dinner with grandma Sweetie so we are just now watching the race.  If you have followed me for even a short time you know that if we aren’t at the track racing it is on the TV at our houselife with 3 4 boys, can’t forget the hubby.

Lovingmy new class of Kinders.  I have 19 sweeties so far and they are a great bunch.  Not that they are all perfectfar from itbut they are kind and a good friend to each other, really want to learn and we are having a ton of fun!

ThinkingI am so glad I get an extra day for the holiday weekend.  I have a ton of projects on my to do list and never seem to find enough time during the regular week to get them all done.  So I am hoping to be super productive tomorrow. The first thing on my list is learning how to use my new Silhouette Portrait that arrived last week. SO excited!!

Wantingto slow down time.  My youngest started High School 2 weeks ago, our middle son is a Jr. in High School and we drop our oldest off to UC Irvine on September 27th.  I am already freaking out a bit.  I just want to stop time.  My little babies, who are all much taller than me, are all growing up so fast.  It seems like just yesterday they were little boys. I am super proud of the young men they have become but sad that in just 4 years we may have an empty nestwhat!! That can not be happening already.  I have to stop thinking about it, and cherish each moment I still have with them at home.

Needingto use my treadmill.  I know this is like a broken record.  If you look back at my older Currently’s I am pretty sure this has been said before.  I swear every time I say it, I do have the best of intentions of making it happen and then something just goes wrong.  Well, winter is coming and I am embarrassed to say not one of my pair of jeans fitsI don’t mean they are a little too tight so they are uncomfortableI mean I literally can not get them over my junk in the trunk!  I can’t wear my summer maxi dresses and skirts all winter, I will freeze.  So TOMORROW I AM starting back on the treadmill.  I am saying this for ME not for all of youlol.

3 TripsI have always wanted to travel abroad and my three top picks are Paris, London and Venice. I have only seen pictures of them online and in books, but I will make it there one day. I told my husband that is going to be our big trip once we retire.

Be sure you link up with Farley and let me know what you’ve been up to.  I love to read your comments.



  1. I know exactly what you mean about time! My oldest started 7th grade...where does the time go?!


    Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners

    1. a 7th grader...welcome to Actually I am really lucky I haven't had to deal with that teenage drama...but boys are the best...not perfect...but I couldn't ask for more.


    2. I was typing too fast...I was trying to say MY boys are the best...not boys in general...haha!

  2. I'm with you on the fear of the empty nest. I have one gone and grown up, a senior and a sophmore. I miss doing their hair for them before they just roll their eyes at me. Oh and I'm with you on the treadmill too! Great currently!

    1. I always thought it would be so fun to dress up little girls...alas I have all boys. However, after seeing the beautiful hairdo's some of my kinders come in with I am glad I didn't have that pressure in the Teenagers...


  3. I am with you on traveling to Paris and London, I always wanted to go there and have some relaxing time. Also, I love your blog and enjoy reading it.

    Jasmine Hall
    The Dots of Teaching

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments. I am heading over to check out your blog.


  4. Glad to hear your new school year is going well! I love how you described your new group of kiddies - as great friends to each other and really want to learn - that's a huge step already!


    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  5. Oh Laura! I am right there with you in gaining a pound or five....I tried on four golf skirts today before I found one that wasn't too tight. This is what happens when you sit at a computer for way too long. On a good note my step counter was at 9000 at the end of our round of golf, so that's good, right?
    So glad to hear you have a sweet class- it makes all the difference! Have a great week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  6. Enjoy your last couple of weeks with your oldest boy! and seriously I completely understand about the treadmill! I keep telling myself I'll start tomorrow. Definitely, positively, for-sure going to start very soon! :) Have a wonderful week with you kinders!

    Mrs. Masters’ Kinder Love
