
Aug 22, 2014

Five for Friday...Fun, Fun, Fun!

I made it through week 2!  I know it will get easier and I won’t be dead tired every day after a few weeks, but boy do I forget what the beginning of the year is like.  I forget how much time must be spent on procedures and rules.  I forget how YOUNG they arelol.  I actually have several that aren’t even 5 yet!  Despite all of this it was a fantastic week! 

I am linking up with Kacey atDoodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday!  Be sure to check out all of the great posts, after you read mine of course.

On Monday we start by going over “Our focus wall” for the week.  We are continuing our way through the alphabet and adding sight words.  We learned the number 2, the color blue, and finished up learning all about triangles.

These were our Cc and Dd circle maps.  The kiddos love making these.  I think they just try to come up with things they think will be hard for me to draw so they can all have a good laugheven though that is supposed to be against the rules.

We also discussed the “rules” of coloring this week.  

This anchor chart is a few years old, I do agree it is starting to get a bit tattered, the original idea was from Pinterest.  Sorry, I don’t know the original pin, I have seen similar ones numerous times.  When I made this a few years ago it was way before I had given any thought to blogging and never thought I would need to know where I got the idea.  Now, any time we need to color in class I just gently remind them to be sure they are using 3 star coloring. I leave the chart up for a few weeks until I am sure they are always doing their best.  It works wonders!

This week was a whirl wind and I didn’t get many pics snapped.  Also, it could be that I forgot my camera bag like 3 days in a row.  We were learning all about ourselves, our friends and our families.  So for Friday fun day we made Friendship salad.  

This was an idea from Kim Adsit at Kindergals.  Each child brought a fruit to share.  We cut them up and put them all in a bowl.  I brought in a pretty mushy brown banana and asked the kids if we should add it to our salad.  Of course they all shouted, NO!  I asked them why and they said because it was rotten.  So it lead to a great discussion about what would happen if we have one “rotten” banana in class.  That it ruins the fun for everyone.  They all decided they did not want to be that rotten banana.  It was a great community building activity.

With our “cooking” and learning about the letter C this week.  We then made these super easy Chef paper bag puppets from Creation Castle.  They were super excited and they came out pretty cute!

I received my second Stitch Fix this week as well.  The way it works is you fill out a profile and a personal stylist picks out items for you.  You receive them and have 3 days to decide if you want to keep them.  There is a fee of $20, but if you keep anything it goes toward your purchase, and if you keep it all you get an additional 25% off!

Sorry I don’t have any pictures of the clothes on me.  My teenage boys weren’t too keen on taking my pic.  They were involved in a quest on the computerlol.  One major difference between having boys and  They really don’t care about clothes.

I love that it comes with a card from your stylist with tips of what to pair with the items that they send to you.  It totally takes the guess work out of it.


This black shirt was cute, but the back was entirely lace.  I know you are supposed to wear a shirt underneath, at least I would think sobut it just wasn’t quite my style.

This tank again had the lace thing going onwhat are they trying to tell me.  I just didn’t care for the blue and black together.

This silk tank was just hanging on me.  Like a box.  My waist is the one thing I like to accentuate, not cover up.  I am so short it just made me look like a little barrel.

Truth be told I almost didn’t even try this dress on.  I liked the color and the fabric was super soft.  However I have this condition called, “cankles”, where there is no difference between my calves and ankleslol.  Yes it is a real medical condition I am sure of it.  Anywho, I don’t wear dresses that show off this lovely condition.  I live in pants or Maxi’s.  I did try it on and it was a total disaster.  I could have fit two of me in the top part, yes I also have no boobs!!  Sorry TMI I am sure.  Thank goodness for Victoria Secret or it would be embarrassing.

 My last item was this beautiful pair of earrings.  They were very pretty and silver is my color.  But, once again they wouldn’t work for me.  When I was in grammar school I had on dangly earrings while on the swings and they caught on my coat and about ripped out of my ears.  As a result I can only wear post earrings now.  Otherwise they would have been keepers.  So I batted "0" with this fix, but I hope the next one will be better.  If you want to give it a try, just click here.  Even though I didn’t keep anything it still was lots of fun and I am hopeful that the 3rd time is the charm next month.

Today I got fantastic news.  My Donors Choose project for a huge classroom rug was fully funded.  Have you tried Donors Choose?

It was super easy, the website walks you through every detail.   You choose what you need for your room, answer some questions, write a short essay explaining how it will benefit your class and why you want the item(s).  That’s it!  They give you a maximum of 4 months to get fully funded.  My project started June 25th and it was fully funded today.  So it only took me 59 days to raise $522. 

Isn't it just beautiful! I am over the moon excited and I know my kiddos will be too once our new rug arrives.  I have heard of teachers getting iPads, Elmo’s, art supplies, books, you name it.  You should give it a try.

I am off to date night with the hubby. Fun, Fun!!  Hope you all had a great week.  I love to read your comments, so leave me some love.  Be sure you are not a no reply blogger I like to respond via email. 



  1. OK first of all, I would NEVER laugh at your drawings! They're GREAT! Mine are so ridiculous- I am always telling the kids NOT to tell our art teacher... I've heard so much about Stitch Fix, that I was thinking of trying it- but I am so boring with my wardrobe- it's either black or brown. Hmmm- not real exciting! :) I know just how tired you are! Iremember that tired of the first couple weeks. We start back after Labor Day. Love that Friendship Salad, too! :) Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

    1. You are too kind about the drawings. I so wish we had an art teacher. My wardrobe is pretty boring, that is why I decided to give the stitch fix a try. Several of my students gave me bracelets they made for for Christmas and told me look they are your favorite colors. They were black and Enjoy your last week of vacation!


  2. Your drawings are great! Reading through this I noticed the huge differences between littles and my 3-5th graders. I don't think I could ever tackle the little bitties you have. I tried Stitch Fix about a year ago and in four months of receiving packages I only kept about 4 things. People do have great success with it- I think the key is being specific in letting them know what will work for you. I live in jeans and inexpensive shirts with my job, so I shop at TJ Maxx and Target! Have a great week!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  3. Congrats on getting your project funded!!! Also, thanks for some great ideas for the beginning of the year- I swear that I forget what to teach them until 4am the night before school starts. :)
    Cankles! Haha!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  4. You cracked me up with your cankles! I can TOTALLY relate! Tell me more about your Donors Choose project. I'm a little bit familiar, but do you advertise or solicit to get it funded? How do the donors find your project?

    1. The Donors Choose website walks you through getting your project set up. Once it starts you have the first 5 or 6 days, I can't remember for sure, where all donations can be matched up to $100 ea. I sent an email explaining my project and had 2 family members donate and their donations were matched. All of the rest was given by anonymous donors. They have many organizations that give frequently to the projects on their website. I have also seen other bloggers that offer a giveaway of products from their tpt store if followers donate any amount of $5 or more. If you run this giveaway during the matching time you could really do well. Hope that helps. If you have other questions just let me know.

