
Jul 26, 2014

Five for Fraturday!

Happy Friday Saturday friends.  Boy this summer is just flying by.  Dare I say BTS is looming very quickly for me.  I just finished Kinder Camp this week and teachers have to be back Aug 5th, meet the Teacher night is Aug 7th, and the first day of school is Aug 11th.  I don’t even want to count the exact days.  I have tried to make the most of my time with my family and get in some great PD too.  I tend to get a bit long I apologize in

 Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Fraturday to give you a quick recap of my week.

It started off FANTASTIC.  The hubby surprised us all with an impromptu trip to the beach.  Even though it was only for the day it was wonderful.  It is one of my favorite places to be.  We just kicked back, relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

My younger two sons and nephew went with us and they had a blast driving their supped up remote control cars on the beach.

It was hilarious to watch the people drive by and the boys cars were going faster than they were.  Several had to stop and watch their crazy drivinglol.  My oldest son didn’t join usthe beach is not really his thing.  Which is totally ironic considering he will be attending UC Irvine in the fall, which is like 5 miles from Huntington Beachlol.  But, he was busy building a computer for a friend anywaywhich is totally his thing. 

We stayed until the sun was almost gone and then had a yummy meal at my favorite place, Pismo Fish and Chips.

We had our last week of Kinder Camp this week as well.  We continued working on fine motor skills, social skills, class room etiquette and of course some fun too!

If you have kiddos that need some practice writing their letters and numbers to 30 you can grab this cute freebie from Lauren at A Teachable Teacher.

We ended the week with a fun water day and a piñata.  The kids had a blast!

I managed to get all of my pre-assessments done during Kinder Camp as well.  Thanks to ESGI.  If you have not checked it out you really need to.  It is fantastic and cuts your assessment time in half. You give all of your assessments right from your computer or iPad.  Then it automatically totals everything up and there are graphs and charts summarizing all of your data so you know exactly where all your kiddos are and what you to need to teach or re-teach. Be sure to check back on Tuesday, I will be giving a full run down of all the features of the system as well as a chance for you to get a free 60 day trial and a discount.

I also received my first Stitch Fix this week.  I was totally excited.  If you don’t know what Stitch Fix is let me give you a run down.  You sign up on line and a special stylist picks out items of clothing and/or accessories based on your answers to style questions. You can link a Pinterest board of styles you like as well. When it arrives your try everything on decide what you want to keep and send the rest back.  If you keep everything you get an additional 20% discount.  The fee is $20, but that is deducted off of the total of anything you decide to keep.  Then in 3-6 weeks, you decide how often, they send you your next “fix”. It also comes with a card from your stylist that shows you what to pair each piece with to make a complete outfit.  So it is dummy proof, haha! Plus the bonus for me, I don’t have to go to a storelol. As you may remember we live in the middle of nowhere so I thought I would give it a try.

The clothes were very pretty and the fabrics were super nice and comfortable.  However, none of it fit me this time.  The tops were too big or just not my style. I have like no boobslol.  If it weren’t for Victoria Secret I would probably be a negative number.  So I have a difficult time finding tops that fit right.

The black stripe skirt fit, but I didn’t like the look of how the stripes were.

The dress was cute & comfortablebut about 4” too long.  I am short people and the thought of wearing my 4” platforms to school is just not a good idea.  I am looking for things to go back to school so this one will have to go back.

Honestly, I didn’t even try these pants on.  They are super skinnyso not me.  I carry all my weight in my lower half and have always been self-conscious of that.  Plus, they were cropped length.  I have “cankles” friend.s.  That is where your calves and ankles just pretty much run together, with no real size difference.  So I do not want to highlight that fact.

Sorry I have no pics of me wearing the clothes I didn’t have anyone at home to take pics for me and after a few dozen attempts at “selfies” I decided to just call it a day.  If anyone can offer me a good tutorial on taking selfies I am all earslol.  I will be sure to have photos of me with the clothes next time. If you want to give it a try for yourself just click here.  It was totally fun even though I didn't keep anything this time.

This week has been a printing, laminating and cutting marathon.  I can not bury my head in the sand, even if I want to.  School is coming quick and I am a little OCD about my room, so I have been trying to get ready. I know it will be all worth it in the end.

What have you been up to this week? Link up with Doodle Bugs and leave me a comment I would love to hear all about it!



  1. I've always wanted to try stitch fix but didn't know if it would be worth it? I'm afraid I wouldn't like anything!

  2. Sooooo glad to see your blog is up and running! Looking forward to the many posts to come!

  3. You KNOW I'm jealous you got to go to Pismo. I guess it's only fair though since I got to go earlier this summer and you were jealous! Love the pictures....making me miss CA!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
